Ch. 55: Caius and the Immortal Child

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(Continuing from last chapter)

Seriously! Jasper, Quil, and Jake have been laughing this whole time!? Boys! Caius had his typical disgusted look, but for the very first time it was directed at me. "Per favore, scusami, mio ​​signore." In Italian I said, 'Please excuse me, my Liege'. My face stared down at the patch of snow dusting underneath my feet. My siblings and myself had learned Italian during the time that we were with the Volturi. Carlisle knew precisely what I said, because... 'Al, you do not have to show that high of respect to him anymore!' My grandfather calmly explained in his mind. 'Crossbreed, he HATES non-pure vampires!' I reminded Carlisle. "Caius, non so dove sia il bambino immortale. Non so nemmeno di quale bambino stai parlando." (Caius, I do not know where the immortal child is. I do not even know what child you are talking about.) I explained, it was not a lie. Analeah was no longer an immortal child. "Well, someone had sent word to Volterra saying that there was a young vampire here in Long Island Sound, New York." Caius hissed at my Italian remarks. "Well, there is a vampire, but she was born a pureblood witch and she is part werewolf." Quil chimed. Rosalie hit Quil in the head for that. "Hey!" He called.

"STOP IT!" Jasper and Jacob exclaimed. "Let me see this child." Caius said to Carlisle. "Of course. Rosalie, Jacob, please go with Rosey to get Analeah." Carlisle asked. "Yes Father." They replied. Yes, all of the Cullens and Blacks call Carlisle Father or Step Father now; Alice is the only one of my siblings that does not call Carlisle Grandfather or Grandpa.

I stood there waiting for what was coming next. My god, the Christian God, could never tell me what would happen next. Everything around me went blank! Ears, eyes, everything. This has never happened before, even with my visions. I could only imagine that even Caius was trying to help me. "The 12 will stand. The home will fall. One is of fault.  He will muck around and be a Puck. This Goodfellow, is to make fun not of thy; but with thy. As song of sweet, yet as a sneak, this Robin will speak." Quil told me I had said after I came to. My uncle, aunt, and young tribread were looking at me like I was a Pagon or Satanic witch. I can assure you that I am 100% a Christian that just happened to be born with no human blood. "But what does this mean!?" Caius hissed to me. "I need to see it in writing before I could ever know what it means." I verbally slapped the older vampire. Quil wrote down what I had said. It took me five times reading it before it all clicked! "How many people are in the Volturi, the ones people typically see? The three of you, and about 10 guardsmen right?" I asked starring at the paper in my hands. "Yes, and that would be including your sister Jane." Caius looked at me shocked. "13. If the 12 is the Volturi, then the home is Volterra. There is only one person to blame for the down fall of Volterra. Muck around like a puck. Good fellow, will laugh with you but not at you. The person is like a robin?... The Volturi will stand, when Volterra falls. The one that will be to blame likes to muck around and have fun. Robin Goodfellow, Puck! My old friend from Pixie Hollow! Long story short, he's now a Hobgoblin." I explained, trying to cover all my bases.

"His wings got taken away, making him a Sprite or a ground fairy. And then he got kicked out of Pixie Hollow, making him a Hobgoblin. I know that probably doesn't make any sense but that's what Queen Clarion did with him and his friends. When the Pixies were trying to sneak extra Pixie Dust. Tom and Mya Goodfellow and their other son Terence were devastated about Robin. I told him to go to the Moores, the area surrounding the main castle in Neverland. I guess Puck didn't listen to the only true Pixie friend he had. Sorry, it's just... yeah. I don't know what they did to lose their wings but the dust got them kicked out and in turn they became Hobgoblins. Sorry." I over explained and apologized. "Aro will hear about this. But in the mean time, come here child." Caius looked from me to Analeah, waiting to see what would happen with her. Seth had walked up with Jake, Rosey, and Rosalie. She grabbed Seth right hand in her left and my left in her right. "Ana, be careful with people okay." I told her. "Who made you?" Caius asked her. "I am a pureblood witch by birth, I don't know who turned me into a vampire, but Alsès did something that has never been done until maybe an hour ago. Alsès helped me to continue to grow. She made me a wolf." With that, Caius was about to rip my head off. "I can explain!" I exclaimed when I heard a silent 'WHAT!?' come from his mind. I walked over and for about 10 seconds it looked like Caius and I were going to arm wrestle; and for the record, I would have beaten him. Just picture me smirking at you, because that's what I'm doing right now.

"Fine! You can keep her." Caius hissed at me and my family. "So... what do I call you?" Ana asked looking between Seth and me. "Alsès was like over 100 when I was born and you can legally adopt when you are 18." She continued. Caius shook his head. "Will, since there was no law legitimately broken I must be off. Alsès, you are expected in Italy as soon as your vision comes true." And, Caius was gone.

"Now, how about Mum and Dad?" I asked looking right at Analeah with a HUGE smile, and I looked up at Seth after a few moments. "I like that!" Ana said with a little bit of a giggle. "Well, now you just got to meet Kristal and Seth-Lee." Seth was looking right at me and I told him 'yes, I chose you. I could never chose anyone but you.' Of course he was the only one meant to hear it. With Caius gone, I can figure out who really made my immortal child. But that will have to wait, I'm starving and it almost lunch time now. "Let's all go to the Mess Hall." I smiled and every one followed me. The only real worry I have is, will Ana grow like her two new siblings? I looked back at my sister and uncle of matching age, they nodded simultaneously. Analeah might be immortal but she was not a child! Her brother Michael is a Half-blood, they have the same pureblood mother. His father is a muggle. I will find a way for them to be in touch. I'll talk to Mum and Dad about.

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