Ch. 56: Wolfing Out Part 1

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(Alsès' point of view)

It's been three weeks since Analeah joined us. Everyone is getting along- (CRASH) "Percy! If you can't help or stay out of the way, then stay out of the Infirmary!" I heard. "Sorry Gilbert!" Percy replied. Most of the time, everyone gets along MOST of the- "Annabeth! Get your laptop out of my face!" (CRASH) "Daedalus' laptop!" Clarisse threw my little sister's laptop out of the class-cabin window and Annie ran after said laptop. Okay! MOST of us get along MOST of the time. "Seth give me my brush back! Kristal stop freezing everything!" And Seth is chasing after Ana, Seth-Lee and Kristal! "HIi Love, sorry Love, I love you!" He said running past me. Forget it!

As I was saying, it's been three weeks since Analeah joined us here at camp. She has FaceTimed with Michael almost every day. Lily let's Michael use the computer I gave her as a 'welcome to Hogwarts' present. We also have not heard anything about Puck or the Volturi since then either. It's been as quiet as a camp full of Demigods and good monsters can be. I have been working with Chiron on fixing all of the different curriculums from all of the different schools that my siblings and myself have been to. It been hard-

"Alsès, it's Cassy! He's turning!" Rosey almost ran into me. "He's started Phasing!?" Jacob exclaimed as he was walking with me this whole time. "Yes!" Ro said. "His wolf genes activated!?" I was shocked. "Yes! Now come on!" Rosey grabbed my arm and then I grabbed Jacob's, making a chain like you see on TV. We made it to the Big Three cabin and a few people including Nico, and Chris Rodrigo, standing outside. "All of the Black boys are in there." Chris said. "Kagay too. Do you need me?" Nico asked. "No. This should be just us. But you guys can make sure that there is a place that we can put Cas for a few hours." Jacob waved the people away, as Rosey and I approached the door. "You too Ro!" He called to my sister. "I'm. A. Wolf!" She growled. With hands up, Jake let her help.

30 minutes later. Leah and I were sitting in front of cabin 13: Hades. "So, Lealea how long does this usually take?" I asked looking at my best friend, who is basically my sister. "You don't know!? Well I have to use the restroom, like now!" She almost ran to the bathroom. It couldn't be that because she hadn't- WHOA! It must be! "Sam! Do you mind standing guard for a few minutes?" I asked Leah ex boyfriend, as Sam walked by. "Sure thing Kitten." He said with a warm smile. I ran to the camp store and then the bathrooms. "Lealea? Which number are you in?" I asked. "Number 5!" She replied. "Here you go Sis." I answered the unspoken question by passing her two boxs, you can probably guess what they are. "Thanks! How did you know? I haven't had one in like since I became a wolf." I could tell she was very puzzled about the whole thing. "I thing I know who your mate is." I said half changing the subject. "Casper!? He might be older than me, but I'm to old for him in the human world." Leah was shocked but quickly became sad. "Well." Was all I said. "Take your time but hurry up please." I said just before I went back to my little brother.

I made it back just before I heard the worst scream ever! The whole population of the camp was in front of 13. "So everyone heard that scream?" Cole asked looking around to see literally the whole camp, minus Leah Clearwater and Casper Black of course. "I don't think that was from Cassy." I said very confused. Just then we heard more screaming. "Everyone here?" One asked. "Expect for Leah who is in the bathroom. But she doesn't scream." I answered. "Well. If it isn't me, Cas, or anyone else, who is screaming?" Leah asked coming right next to the cabin. "Those who can control the elements, come with me!" Chiron called. Myself and my siblings, and Jacob followed him along with Percy, Jason, Leo, and Nico. Someone was trying to get Alice to go as well, but she admitted to not having the ability to control an element. Those of us who went with Chiron, went up to the front of camp, and just outside the barrier looking for the 'Banshees'. "Does anyone know what cities lie around here?" Chiron asked. "You mean besides Manhattan in New York City? I think it's Greendale in Riverdale." Jay answered with a puzzling look. Jane nodded in agreement with Jay.

"The pagans are coming the pagans are coming!" The screaming was now very audible. "Pan and Cerseis are coming after us! We need to move now!" Another had said. "Robin hurry up!" A third yelled. "I'm coming Theo!" This 'Robin' replied. "PUCK!?" I called out. "If it's my Sparrowman friend, come to my voice! We can help you!" I came out past the barrier of camp and I ran to my green haired friend. "Alsès Black! Were do we need to go!?" He asked still hugging me. "This way!" I said leting go and then ushering the people towards the entrance, switching the sight around. You know making these people able to see the camp, and the pagans not see them. "Who are they?" I asked at the same time as a ghoul with a short white bob cut, after we got past the entrance. "It doesn't matter now, children you need to go back and make sure Casper is okay and they others are not killing each other." Chiron told use as he put a hand on my right shoulder. You see, soon after entering the camp I hadn't let go of my old friend. "Yes Chiron." We had all returned.

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