Ch. 48: A Party in New Greece

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(Author's point of view)

It is February 12th 2021, two different things are happening at Camp Half-blood today. The first thing is the birthday party for Jay, Alister and Alsès, and Kayla. The second thing is a tour around New Greece. Henry and Nico are in charge of keeping the two events separate until the end of the tour, the thing is the tour group is going right in front of were the party is being held.

Chiron got the campers that did not know about New Greece and had them gather on the playing field. "Why are we at the game field?" Percy asked Alsès. "Good morning everyone! As you know, some of us have been working on something very special for everyone here. Without any further ado, I give to you... Drum roll please... New Greece!" Alsès said as she made the magic dome disappear. Every single person was in awe! Alsès and everyone who had worked on New Greece had the biggest smiles they had ever had.

"Is everyone ready to start the tour?" Kayla and Alsès said together. Everyone agreed and the two best friends walked arm in arm down the street. (Everything that is going to be said by Alsès and Kayla is in unison.) "On your right, we have the bank. On your left, we have a clothing store. On the right, we have another clothing store. On the left, we have a very fancy restaurant. Don't worry, the prices are very good. To our right, we have The Wolf House Inn.
On the left, is a café and the apartments. And then coming back to the right we have, a hair salon, a barbershop, a nail salon, and a few different types of stores. And, behind the apartments is the university, and on the other side behind the Inn are the grade schools. And houses will be added later on in the future. Now that the tour has come to an end, you are dismissed and can walk to were ever you like." The ghouls finished the tour and somehow everyone went to the Inn. "Come on you four, you don't want to get rained on do you?" Henry said as Percy made a few water sprinklers go off. "Percy!" Alsès, Alister, Kayla, and Jay said running into the Inn.

"Why are the lights off!?" Alister asked using a lit finger to see where the switch was. "SURPRISE!" Everyone from both camps and family members were there to surprise the four kids for their birthdays. "SETH!" Alsès said running to her imprint. "I can't believe you are here. I've missed you so much!" She was crying. "What are we? Chopped liver?" A pixie like voice said as the two wolves were hugging. "Alice! Jake! How are you all here!?" Alsès asked them, as she walked up to hug her family and pack members. "Do you really think that we would miss your guys' birthdays!?" Quil Ateara said as he and Embry walked up to their Alpha and best friend Alsès. "How long are you guys going to stay?" She asked as she hugged Leah. "Henry, Jacob, and Jane made a portal so we can all come and go as we need." Leah told her 'sister', hugging her 'brothers'. "This is The best birthday ever!" Kayla said still hugging her father, Mr. Knowles. "Kay, is the best friend you were telling me about?" He asked regarding Alsès. "Yes, she is my best friend Dad. And this is Malcolm, my boyfriend." Kayla said as she pulled the blonde son of Athena to meet her father, while looking down. "Kayla, you know I am okay with you dating anyone you want too." Mr. Knowles told his daughter. "Dad, I'm a Christian, like Alsès and her family and Tribe. I'm not like you or Father." Kayla admitted to him. "It's okay. I love you no matter who or what you choose to be, you will always be my daughter." He hugged her, tears falling down her face. "I love you too Daddy." She returned with a smile.

Just then a blonde boy walked up to someone. "Aunt Alsès, happy birthday. And thanks for letting me stay." Alsès hugged him, "Adrien, your welcome." She kissed his cheek. "Present time!" Henry and Nico called to the crowd. "Okay, so gifts were optional for obvious reasons." Henry said. "But, we have them separated by name on four different tables." Nico said gesturing to said tables. "Jay- here, Sister- here, Aly, and Kayla." They sat at their tables as Henry pointed to them. "Let's do this from youngest to oldest, Kayla you will start and then when you are done opening all of your gifts Alister will open his." Nico explained just before Kayla started to open her presents. "That one is from cabin 7. Henry asked Alice to help us with it." Austin told her. "This looks like the dresses that the Narnian kids where. Is that what it is?" Kayla asked. "Yes, Henry got me one of my sister's dresses and sent me a picture of you and I was able to make it." Alice told her. "And it should fit perfectly, with a little growing room." Carlisle told her stepping next to Alice. "Thank you!" Kayla squealed as she hugged her siblings, Henry and Alice. "Your welcome." They all smiled at her. "Go put it on Sweetie." Esme told the young daughter of Apollo. She finished opening her gifts before putting her new dress on. "Susan Pevensey alert!" Alsès laughed politely at her friend.

Kayla got a new archery set, the purple dress that Alice made, a skateboard, and a home made wand. Alister got his gifts from the dwarfs, a new green king's uniform from the Cullens, a hover board and sky rider from the Evermoons, and the yearly remainder from Alsès that she is the older twin. Alsès got a stack of books from different friends, a green and purple ball gown from the Cullens, and a new hover board and sky rider from the Evermoons. Jay got a gold prince's uniform, his gifts from the dwarfs, and a new hover board and sky rider from the Evermoons. "Al, Seth and I have something else for you..." Kagay said as he walked up to her with Seth. "What is it?" She asked them, standing up from her chair. "I picked these out before you left Forks to come here. Before I could do anything I had to break up with you." Seth told her showing Alsès two rings. "Seth gave them to me just before you two broke up, the reason was because our families want to honor the betrothal between you and I. I'm sorry Alsès, if they would had listened to us you would be with Seth still. In fact, I'm 100% okay if you want to be with him." Kagay explained to Alsès. "I need some time to decide, is that okay?" She looked at both of her friends and gave both of them a kiss on the cheek.

"Come on everyone it's time for games and dancing!" Henry called out, and everyone followed suit. Alsès pulled both Seth and Kagay with her as she ran to catch up with her little brother. Everyone truly had a great time at the party. When all the fun was done Mr. Knowles had to leave. "Okay Mr. Knowles, all you have to do is say 'I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good', and snap your fingers and the portal will appear. When you have arrived back home on the other side all you have to say is 'mischief managed' while snapping your fingers again and the portal will be closed." Henry informed him. "Thank you, I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." Mr. Knowles said as he walked through the portal. "Bye Dad." Kayla said just before her father closed the portal. Just like that the party was over, even though Mr. Knowles was the only one who left that night.

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(The rings that Seth picked out for Alsès,  just as a reminder of what they look like

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(The rings that Seth picked out for Alsès,  just as a reminder of what they look like.)

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