Ch. 9: Astoria or Princess?

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When we got to La Push we were talking, "Alpha, I have two things to ask you." Seth told me. "Okay Omega, what's the first thing?" I replied. "Will you officially be my girlfriend?"I looked at him with shock on my face. "Yes! Of course!" I squealed at him. "Okay what's the second thing?" I said after I kissed him. "Tell me everything you know about your sister." Seth said nodding to my dog, who was actually my older sister.

"Okay Astoria, like Alice, Jane and Daphne, and Rosey and Casper has a different mother. My Meetca, but except for Henry and Killen we all have the same father. Daddy passed away when Bellatrix sent him through the Veil at the Ministry of Magic. Dad and the rest of us were really upset when Daddy went through the Veil. Uncle Remus held Harry back, Tonks held me and Alister back, and Jay just ran in the complete opposite direction.

Sorry that has nothing to do with Astoria. Astoria is my fourth oldest sister, or was up until 8 and 1/2 almost 9 years ago. Astoria Ragla Princesa Greengrass Black was born September 8th 1899. She was a natural blond with brown highlights. The smartest witch I ever met, a Ravenclaw like me when we went to school. A lot of people think she ended up in Slytherin. She didn't, she was
too smart.

I'm going too fast forward to what happened with her and 'Princess'. A little after Astoria was born she was diagnosed at St. Mungo's with a maledictus curse. It was on her mother's side of the family, so those who don't have the same mother as her can't get it. The specific type of maledictus her mother has is one that takes the form of one's patronas, almost like an anamagus; it's really hard to explain.

Astoria's patronas is a 'pitbull'. Astoria had done the anamagus 'ritual' when we were very young. It was my father's idea to have her do it that young. So on Astoria's 112th birthday, Astoria was asked by Meetca to go pick some wild flowers for the cake. Stori went into the woods and a few hours later a dog that we almost mistaked for her patronas came in her place, we then realized that it was her in anamagus form. When she never turned back, we realized that the maledictus curse had set in. The only thing we could do was permanently give her the name Princess, which was her anamagus name. When someone is changed permanently from a maledictus curse they do not remember anything about themselves as a human or a human-esk creature. Stori would do literally everything with me... I miss her, but I have Princess so that's good enough! Right?" I asked after I finished the truth about Astoria and 'Princess'.

"I'm sorry that your family had to go through that." Seth told me as he pulled me into his arms. "She's perfectly fine, healthy, and safe. That's all that matters." I was almost crying...

"Let's go in the water! That will cheer you up!" With that Seth got up and picked me up too. "Seth, I don't have my fluke! I'll have to use magic so I don't turn into a mermaid!" I reminded him, "too late Loca!" He threw me in! I did the pattern to turn my flukeless tail back into my pale legs and my mer-skirt back into my swim shorts.

"Seth Lobo Clearwater!" (I don't know if that is his middle name, just go with it.) I yelled at him. "I love you!" He told me as I popped up right in front of him. "Don't do that! EVER AGAIN!" I replied. He then pulled me into a kiss, I pulled away when I felt something brush my leg, "Seth... no! Not until we're married!" I told him, he looked embarrassed.

"Al, calm down it's not like I'm going to do that with you, and you know that." I laughed at him. "I just don't want what happened with Res and Jake to happen to us," he looked at me confused. "My little cousin Regulus. It happened last year on Renesmee's 7th birthday." I reminded my boyfriend of that. "Yeah the day Jake proposed to your cousin." He replied.

"Did you know that they are getting married on her 8th birthday. Jake asked me to be his best man, and Renesmee asked Leah to be her bridesmaid they both said that you are who they want to be the maid of honor." Seth continued.

"It's going to traditional Native American right?" I asked him. "You will probably have to help them." I was told. "Okay, I just need to make sure that my favorite uncle keeps up with traditions of the tribe." I told Seth.

"Does Jake still use magic?" I asked him. "Not often, why?" He asked me. "No reason, I just wanted to know." I stopped the topic there.

"I don't feel so good." I dizzaly told Seth. "Okay, lay down I'll cover your eyes with the corner of your towel." Seth told me. Then it all went black!

(Seth's point of view)

Alsès went somewhat unconscious. I'm looking around to see Leah walking right towards us, "Leah, can you go to Billy's house and ask him for some of the blood that the Blacks left?" I yelled over to my sister. "Okay!" She replied running back the direction she came in. She returned in five minutes. "Here... What do you need the blood for?" Leah asked me. "Alsès. She kind of blacked out." I informed her.

Just then Jake, Sam, Jay, and Jarred came running down through the woods, and Embry arrived not even ten seconds later with Sam's van. "Get her in quick!" Sam said to the 'J team'. "Embry, make sure that Seth is okay." Sam commanded Embry. "Yes Sam!" He replied.

"Everyone in the back, Jay I need you up front!" Sam boomed. "Yes Sam!" Everyone except Jake replied. Jake was too focused on Alsès. They have always been more like brother and sister than uncle and niece. "Come on Al, your okay Princess! Come on Loca! I gotcha LoLu!..." Jake kept saying things like that as he was looking at Alsès crying. I have never seen him cry like this, not even for Renesmee!

"Hey, it's Alsès that this happened to, she's going to be perfectly fine." I told Jacob. "Easy for you to say, you didn't get much connect with her when she was in England! She called me every day after school, even though she had to go about a mile away from the school to the nearby wizarding village called Hogsmeade!" Jake told me, he was very upset about Al.

When we got to the Cullens' Sam, Jay, and Jarred took Alsès into the house. Leah, followed them closely and Embry went in after a minute. "Why does this always happen to my niece!? I only got her back two weeks ago! I can't loose her! She's the closest thing I have to Sirius! She's just like him! Why!?" Jake just kept crying. "Tell me about your siblings. Please?" I told Jake. "Not now, maybe later." He said crying less now.

"SHE'S UP!" Jarred called to us. Jake ran straight to Carisle's office. Again never seen that for Renesmee! "Jake, I'm over here!" Renesmee called to Jake. "He's worried about Alsès." I told her. She nodded her head.

(Alsès' point of view)

"Alsès!" Jake ran into Carisle's office crying I think tears of joy. "Hey Jake,  do you know what happened uncle Regulus?" I asked him. "Alpha, you said that you felt dizzy so I had you lay down and I also had Leah get blood from your grandfather's house,  she was coming to the beach from that direction." Seth informed me as he walked into the room. "When I got back to were you guys were Sam and some of the boys had just got there, did you guys hear us?" Leah was in the room with the members that helped me and Seth.

"Jake heard you through your guys' connection and he ran out of Emily's, we were the ones that followed him." Jarred told me. "Uncle Jacob, are you okay?" I asked him. "I'm perfectly fine if you are Al!" He replied kissing my forehead. "Jake, guess what I found out." I told him. "What?" He asked.

"Henry, my brother, is getting Bionic hands." I told Jake. "So my nephew is going to be like my niece." He sighed. "For me it's approximately half my brain, my full right leg and up to my knee on my left leg, my left shoulder and left hand, and then my right arm, not including the shoulder or the hand. Therefore he's not going to be exactly like me, because I'm more bionics than he is." I told him matter of factly. "Same thing princess." I was told by my stubborn uncle.

"Hey, I found someone wondering around like a lost puppy." Quil said as he came over to see me. "Alsès!?" Someone said. "Artis!? Is that you!?" I said to my best human friend in the tribe. "You won't believe what I just found out!" Artis; or Arty as we sometimes call her; told me with excitement. "That Quil imprinted on you?" I asked, though I already knew about this. "You knew?..." Arty sounded disappointed that I knew about it.

"Haha! Lucky guess!" I tried to play it off. "Al, I know that you knew, 'it's a wolf thing' I know. I might not be a wolf but I know almost everything there is to know about you guys; well the pure wolves that is." She informed me. "I'm sorry that I ruined your surprise, but I'm happy that you know now." I told Artis.

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