Ch. 32: Henry and Hogwarts Online

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At the end of August Henry and Hermione had informed me that Hogwarts was going to be all digital this year (2020 happened, okay!?). For a school that was all magic, that sounds like a bad idea, to a pureblood witch like me.

Although, Hen liked the idea because that meant he could be in the US with all of his siblings. To me, it meant 'I need help with Potions', 'I need help with Arithmetic for Spells', 'I need help with DADA', you get the idea.

September was easy for him, and for me helping him. In October they srart to learn what they have to for the year. Arithmetic for Spells is almost mandatory for 6 and 7 years. Not to mention, the teacher only has you do calculations for DADA spells.

"Alsès, do you remember the formula? I know I shouldn't have forgotten it already, since we just learned it today." Henry asked me when I came back from Billy's with the 'gaang'.

"I believe so. Let me see it." I told him as he gave me the notebook. "Yes, it's the length of your arm Measured by your wand times the length of your arm. I believe after you calculate that you add in the number of letters in that spell." I explained while writing the the formula on a separate sheet of paper for him to look at.

"Alsès, can you please do the dishes? Just because you are royalty does not mean you can get out of chores." Carlisle told me as he handed me gloves. Oh come on, like you would wash the dishes without gloves!?

"Yes Grandpa Carlisle." I replied reluctantly taking the gloves and being laughed at by the gaang. "Hey! My sister does NOT want to turn into a fish!" Henry said as I passed him on my way to the kitchen. "Thanks baby bro." I told him giving him a kiss on the top of his head.

(Henry's point of view)

"Do all of you have a connection like you two do?" Katara asked nicely as she sat on the couch. "It depends but for the most part yes. Jake and Rosalie don't get along, I think that's pretty much it." I told her.

"So Twinkle Toes sq's little brother,  what can you do?" Toph asked me from Sokka's back. "Like my father and his twin brother, I can control the earth element. Plants and rocks, sometimes I can get something metal to move." I told her.

"Sokka put down I want to 'see' him!" Toph exclaimed to him. Sokka had put her down. "I can't see, like at all! What is this thing made of!?" She asked me angerly. "The floors are wood Toph." Sokka told her as she clinged to him like a rubber glove.

"Kristal! Stop playing with the fire place!" I told my niece. "Henry, I'm not doing anything wrong. Grandma Esme told me to light it so no one gets cold." She told me, I got up and went to the laundry room. Not to mention, before I left Toph still had not let go of Sokka.

"Grandma Esme, did you tell Kristal to light the fire place?" I asked. "Yes Henry, I would of had one of your siblings do it but everyone else was doing chores." She told me. "You know, literally anyone else could have done it. Not just my three siblings who can control fire." I know that I'm not supposed to talk back to my family but we both knew that I was right.

(Toph's point of view)

I'm blind, but bending helps me 'see'. "Sokka, I'm scared! I can't see through wood." I said letting down my guard. "Hey I got to Bandit! I'm not going to let anyone hurt you!" Sokka told me as he picked me up. "Thanks." I said from his back.

"How's the view up there Bandit?" Zuko asked rubbing my back. "Same as it was when I was on the floor, but I feel much safer now." I told him as Sokka was kind of like petting/rubbing the top of  my foot.

"Are you okay? Why are you up there?" The white haired girl asked. She looks about 15 years old but she acts more like maybe 10. "Kristal was it?" Katara asked her, she nodded yes. "Well, Toph is blind, she can not see." Katara explained and then I heard the kid just skip off.

"Sorry about that, I don't usually take that long." Alsès told us. "Al, your ring." Henry said as he came back into the room. "Hen, you didn't even look at me!" Alsès said to him. "I don't have to look around to know that you forgot to put it on. Plus look at there faces." He told her.

"Oh, I guess I did forget. I'm pink and yup thats my tail." I heard Alsès say. "So Toph is the only one not reacting to me not being human." She continued. "The thing is, I don't care, you have been nothing but nice and helpful to me. Not to mention, you have been treating us like family." I explained to her. I could also feel Sokka relax.

"Alsès, if you don't mind; can you help me see now?" I asked her. "Sure, let's go out back to the portions house. Sokka can come too if he wants." She told us almost like she read our minds, she did!

"Toph, we're outside now, I'm going to put down okay?" Sokka asked me. "Okay. " was all I said, and then I could 'see' again. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Alsès told us.

(Sokka's point of view)

Toph and were following Alsès to the potions house outside. We both stopped when she told us that our secret was safe with her. "What secret? I don't know what your talking about." I told her rubbing my neck.

"Don't you like each other? I thought after Suki left the gaang you would admit your feelings for one another." She told us. When she saw that I was shocked she almost blew up in tears then I stepped forward and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, we just haven't told them yet. Suki just left about a month ago, for us anyway. She is training more Kyoshi Warriors." I told her. "Sokka?" Toph asked me. "Yes Toph?" I replied to my best friend. "Nothing." She responded while giving me a hug. I kissed the top of her head and she blushed.

"You know, you should tell them before they find out." Alsès said as she finished my Toph's potion. She might be an avatar, but is amazing with actual magic and things like that.

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