The Icing on Top

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Hey hey hey!!! Happy 2021!! I know I'm late in terms of new years, but whatever. 2020 was big for me in many ways, negative and positive. I won't go into it because it's not important nor do you guys care. All I will say is that 2021 will arguably be bigger. For one major reason....I'll be graduating High School this semester. I'll also be turning 18, I'll finally be a registered adult. Despite that, however, I will not be stopping these oneshots. Granted, they may slow down in the future due to a possible job, but I'll cross that bridge when it comes. Either way, here's to another year of oneshots. 😁


"ALRIGHT CLASS!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Byleth yelled at the top of his lungs. The entire class froze. Not once had they heard Byleth yell like that. It was actually quite spooky. Byleth felt proud of himself that he was able to make every single one of his students sit up straight as if they were all army men and he's the leader. He sat on his desk. "We have a special guest with us today who has a fun little challenge for us. Please, come in," Byleth motioned for whoever was at the door. Everyone looked at the door as it opened. That was when Sephiroth walked in. Lucas ended up jumping on his desk and squealing. This obviously made Sephiroth stop dead in his tracks and give Lucas the most deadly of death stares. Even Ness looked up at Lucas.

"Dude," he simply said. Lucas looked around at all of the looks he was currently being given. He cleared his voice before sitting back down and smiling forward innocently. Byleth sighed.

"Sorry, Seph, he's what you call a simp for you," he called out. Sephiroth, with a slight cold sweat, turned toward Byleth.

"R-right. Ok then....I'll just get to what I came here for." He cleared his throat and turned toward the class. "Tomorrow is my friend's birthday. And her birthday wish is to have all of her classmates hold a baking competition against each other and she be the judge."

"Who is this friend?"

"Pichu." Pichu, who was sitting way behind Ness, stood up and happily ran up to Sephiroth. When she got close, Sephiroth picked her up and placed her on his shoulder. Pichu then happily waved at the class. Her overwhelming amount of positivity rubbed off on everyone in the class.

"I didn't know it was her birthday tomorrow," Ness said under his breath.

"Pichu, getting to be held by Sephiroth," Lucas growled as he balled up his fists and gritted his teeth in utter jealousy. Ness flicked Lucas's cheek to break him from this angered trance.

"I don't think that's what's important dude."

"Anyway, class, you will partner up with a classmate, only one, and go to one of your houses and bake. You can bake what you want, how you want when you want, just be sure to have something for tomorrow. And just in case, the judging will happen later in the day, so don't worry if you need some of tomorrow morning to finish up. Any questions?" Ness raised his hand. He was called on.

"Does Pichu have a preference? Like cupcakes? Brownies? Or something?" he asked.

"Well," Pichu started, happily talking from Sephiroth's shoulder, "I do love myself some nice classic cake. I also don't like things too fancy, although I'm not against it."

"Any other questions?" Byleth asked once more, to get no response. "Alrighty then, Pichu, back to your seat, and thanks Sephiroth for coming in today. We'll be seeing you tomorrow." Sephiroth nodded his head before making his way for the door. However, he didn't leave by the way. He looked back at Lucas, making Lucas's heart race.

"By the way, Lucas was it? You may want to check under your seat," he said with a strangely attractive wink. He then left without giving Lucas a chance to say anything to him. Under Lucas's seat, was a photo. It wasn't just any photo though. It was one of Sephiroth without a shirt. It was autographed by the man himself. Ness saw the look on Lucas's face as he analyzed the photo.

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