The Bottom Boy

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OOOOOH BOY!! This is a big boy. I personally feel like this is one of my/ if not my best work so far. Now, some parts are a bit on the risky side, meaning it may get NSFW in some parts, but it was very fun to write. There will be a special Oneshot on the thirteenth so I hope it'll be at least somewhat decent. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this long one.

"BEAT HER ASS LUCAS!!" Toon Link yelled as he watched the Mortal Kombat match unfold. Lucas and his friends were in a gaming club at school. Currently, they were holding a small tournament and the winner would get $200. Lucas and Kumatora have made it to the finals. The club was divided in half. Half of the club wanted Lucas to win, and the other wanted Kumatora to win. They have both won a round at this point. Lucas finally won when he used Jade's fatal blow. Kumatora didn't even wait before putting her controller down. Lucas popped up and his entire side of the club started cheering loudly. Lucas ended up running around the clubroom but stopped when he got to Kumatora. He held out a hand for her to grab.

"GG," Lucas said. Kumatora looked up and grew a smirk. She grabbed Lucas's hand and allowed him to help her up. She then reached into her pocket to grab the $200. She handed it to Lucas, who took it without much hesitation. He then grabbed one of the $100 bills and handed it back to Kumatora. "It's only fair." She chuckled a single time then pocketed the bill.

That was when there was a knock at the door. Toon Link had to go open it since he was the club leader. Toon Link opened the door to see the vice-principal, Ganondorf. Toon Link simply sighed. "Mr. G, how may I help you?" Toon Link asked in a sarcastic tone. Ganondorf growled.

"You know damn well what you did," he said in his extremely deep and evil voice.

"No, please enlighten me." Toon Link is known to anger Ganondorf. Ganondorf was always against the gaming club, but due to the rules of Smash High, he had no choice but to allow the club. Ganondorf crossed his arms.

"If you continue to be too damn loud, I will be forced to shut this club down..." Ganondorf leaned forward, allowing his head to get closer to Toon Link's. "Better watch out...better not cry." Toon Link simply chuckled in his face.

"Sure thing, Santa." Ganondorf stood back up straight and scoffed.

"Pack it up, you've gotta go home now." Ganondorf finally walked away. Toon Link sighed before turning to the club.

"Well, you've heard the man. We've gotta pack it up for the day."

Lucas got to the front doors of the school. That was when he got a message from Toon Link. So, as he left the school, he was on the phone. He was so focused on texting that he didn't hear someone calling out "Watch out!!" A baseball soon smashed into Lucas's face, making Lucas fall and drop his phone. Lucas fell on his butt and simply heard the phone crack. Lucas looked at where the phone was and just looked at it wide-eyed.

"No..." He desperately said. A boy ran over to Lucas. He stood next to him, feeling utterly guilty for the hit. He cleared his voice, prompting Lucas to look up. The boy is clearly an athlete. By the way he looked and he was seemingly always covered in sweat. He also had a baseball cap and a baseball bat right next to him on the floor. The boy held his hand toward Lucas. Lucas took it and the boy helped him up.

"I'm sooo sorry, we didn't see you." Lucas simply shrugged. He looked at his phone, which was slightly away from his feet, and picked it up. He turned it around to see that the phone was far gone. The screen is cracked beyond repair and the phone seemed to have a large dent. He sighed. "Crap...sorry, again." Lucas shook his head and placed the phone in his pocket and looked at the boy.

"Don't worry." Lucas saw the baseball on his other side and picked it up. He handed the ball to the boy before walking off. The boy just looked out after him. He truly felt sorry for what he did and was already thinking of a way to pay for what he did.

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