Guardian for Life

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I've been quite busy this week so this is kinda a "remake" of New Wings. This sorry also may not be the most high quality so I apologize. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it despite that.

Ness was a boy that was unlike many. He was known as a guardian angel. He watched over the people in a certain sector to make sure they lived the lives meant for them. Despite this important job, he had shown favoritism for a certain boy, Lucas. The lord of the angels, Palutena, knew about this. Ness didn't tell her, she could just simply tell by the way Ness would try to help Lucas compared to the rest of the people he's supposed to be watching. She knew that showing favoritism isn't good when being a guardian angel, but she loved how happy Ness would get whenever he saw Lucas smile. Unlike Ness though, Palutena could tell that Lucas's smiles were faked.

As weird as it sounded, there were annual "God-meets", where multiple different gods would meet with The Overseer to talk about what they have planned for the people to do. Palutena was scheduled to meet with The Overseer first. The meet-up place was simple, just a large temple overseeing the Ultimatum. Palutena entered the temple, with her only needing to be in the immediate area of the entrance. The Overseer, X, stood in the small foyer. Due to his stature, since he had the physical appearance of a ten-year-old boy, he stood on a table to be a similar height to Palutena. Palutena had always had the urge to pinch X's cheeks, but she knew X could defeat her with a single wink, so she never dared. Palutena stood in front of X. "So, update me on Ultimatum," he said. His voice also showed his physical age.

"Nothing too much, it seems everything is going swimmingly. And about the plans for—" Palutena ended up getting cut off by Ness, who rushed into the temple. Palutena looked back at Ness.

"Sorry sir," Ness apologized. His voice showed that he was scared and worried. He talked fast which made it somewhat hard to understand him.

"Now, Ness, you can't just barge—"

"Lucas tried to kill himself." Palutena's eyes widened. X was just confused.

"So, he's just a boy," X shrugged. Ness grew offended by the comment of him "just being a boy". Ness then went on a tirade about how Lucas isn't "just a boy" and how he's the best boy, among other stuff. Palutena backed up to X.

"He likes this a lot," Palutena whispered. X turned back to Ness, who was still in the middle of his tirade.

"He's got the most amazing smile and I swear on everything that is us, I will see it again. So, he isn't just a boy, he's—" Ness gets cut off.

"Then go help him," X said. Ness just looked at X, confused.

"W-what? I can do that?" X nodded. He walked over to Ness. They were closer in height than he was with Palutena. X smirked.

"We'll have Pit watch over Ultimatum, you go help your boyfriend."

"H-he's not my boyfriend," Ness shouted instantly. His face was in a blushed mess and his eyes were shaky. X shook his head.

"Just go on before I change my mind." Ness looked at Palutena, who nodded. Ness slowly grew a smile and bowed.

"T-thank you, sir, ma'am." He shot back up and ran out of the temple. Palutena walked over to X's side, showing the height difference. X was at least two feet shorter than his apprentice but was still ten times stronger.

Lucas was in the hospital. His dad had just left after talking to him. Lucas closed his eyes and thought to himself. He knew he hurt his dad. He knew that his dad, his mom, and especially his brother, are very hurt. Despite this knowledge, he couldn't help but think that he made the right decision and that the fact he lived was a simple oversight. Lucas sighed to himself. "Hey there Lucas..." a deep-voiced boy said. Lucas shot his eyes open and saw Ness standing at the foot of his bed. Lucas grew rightfully nervous.

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