Genie's mind

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I've been walking through the mall, nothing much was of interest in it. Some video games, but more or less, it was unimpactful. I don't fully know what I was expecting, but guess it wasn't what I didn't expect. Complicated? Sorta. My idle thoughts usually don't come from any ground prior to said thought. I sorta just think, and think, and well, see what happens. Much like the writer of this. How do I know the writer, don't worry 'bout how just know he's a Grade A bitch. He writes anything based off of zero plan, just write see what happens. For this, he has no plan, so we'll see what happens at the end of this. Now, for what y'all been looking for, some good 'ole shit post.

I left the mall with nothing. I let out a sigh of defeat, but I guess it wasn't all that bad. I found a thrift shop close to the mall. I entered it and was bombarded with words from Lucas' dad. Flint works literally everywhere it seems. He was saying so much so fast that my mind decided to block out the words. I started to walk away, still ignoring his dad. "Well, I guess you don't want a genie," he said. My eyes widened and I turned around.


"Yea, I received a lamp a bit ago and it's said there is a genie that resides within it." I hummed a little.

"How much is it?"

"Follow me." I followed Flint through the store, seeing all the goods that were clearly hand-me-downs. Soon we got to this golden lamp that had a pearl on the side. The price was relatively low. Well, I bought it. I walked out of the store and twisted it around. I rubbed the lamp and waited, but nothing.

"That sonofabitch lied." In my mind I always knew this was fake, I don't know why I'd believe him. My mind is just made in a way to believe I guess, interesting how the mind works. Your heart may know the truth, but both your head believe in the fantasy. It's rather hard to stick up to the false truths. Hehe, here I go again, allowing my mind to traverse the infinite span of the thought bubble, I shouldn't do this, especially since someone has been trying to receive my attention, but my thought bubbles made me ignore him.

"NESS!" Lucas yelled. This broke me from my thoughts. His get-up was abnormal. He didn't look like Lucas, rather, he looked like a Genie. His clothes were very reminiscent of the genie from Aladdin. He also had a hat on that looked like a blue witch's hat. He looked cute in the clothes. His peach-colored skin complimented well with the blue over him, as well as his blond hair.

"Lucas, the hell are you wearing?"

"Who is this, Lucas, you speak of. My name" My face grew flat.

"Wow, creative," I sarcastically said.

"I will grant you three wishes." I chuckled at the thought that he's going to go through with this. But, some part of my mind doesn't believe he'll do everything I wish for.

"I wish for more wishes." His face changed from the normal smile he has around me, to a strict and stern look.

"You know damn well that's impossible, idiot."

"Huh, I don't think genies are supposed to insult me," I crossed my arms.

"I don't think idiots like you deserve genies," he copied my stance, he does this a lot. I find it attractive. My mind works differently than lots of people would think it would. Some find it annoying when someone copies them, but for me, it's cute. To me, it means they care enough to wanna be like me. And well, Lucas--or should I say, Genie--is probably the person who does this most. Do I like him, I dunno, my mind will not deny nor confirm said claims. Now sucking his special place is I guess I do like him. Or maybe I don't, I don't know. It's not normal for your own mind to confuse you, or maybe it is, I dunno.

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