Say it

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Ness kicked Lucas to the wall and brought out a gun. He held it toward Lucas's head and grinned evilly. Despite having a gun aimed at him, Lucas wasn't scared. He looked directly into the barrel of the gun with full confidence. "And tell me in less than five words why I won't shoot you if you're so bloody confident," Ness sternly said. Lucas chuckled.

"Because you love me," Lucas confidently said. Ness gulped.

"N-no I don't. You haven't got a clue of how I feel."

"Oh do I now?" Lucas planted his forehead against the barrel of the gun and looked directly into Ness's nervous eyes. "No matter what you say or what you do, you can never truly deny your love for me." Ness's heart started pumping hard in his chest. "And if you so believe that you don't love me, then shoot me. Scatter my brain over these damned walls you call protection. Be a damn man and shoot." Ness pulled back the hammer of the gun. Lucas closed his eyes

"I'll....I'll do it. D-don't test me."

"Shoot me or not, please make a decision fast." Lucas opened his eyes and looked back into Ness's nervous and lovestruck violet eyes. "I've got someplace to be. It's your choice what place that is." Ness's hand started trembling and his lips started quivering. "Do you not have the balls? Want me to shoot instead."

"N-NO!! D-don't you dare." Lucas rolled his eyes as he backed his head up. He crossed his arms as he held a smug smile.

"I've killed many people, many people that I love. And yet, here we stand, in your lovely abode, where you're incapable of killing me. What makes us so different, huh Ness?" Ness growled as he held the gun back up and confidently pointed it toward him.

"Exactly, you're still in my house. I can still do whatever the hell I want." Lucas started cackling.

"Now, now, now, detective. That's not very......detective-like of you."

"It'll just be seen as self-defense." Lucas started laughing some more.

"You notice how as soon as I back away from the gun, you grow confident," Lucas said with a small raise in the corner of his lips, showing the start of a genuinely happy smile. "You know why that is?" The nervousness started coming back to Ness. "That's because I can actually do something, and you can't do fuck-all."

"I'm still the one with the gun."

"That's true, one simple BANG and I'm gone," Lucas said while making the motion of a firing gun with his fingers. "But I've been here for five hours, four more than I intended. And yet, I'm still standing, without a single scratch on my body." Ness held the gun confidently toward Lucas. He was contemplated.

I should shoot him. Everyone wants me to shoot him. He deserves to die. After all he's done, he deserves nothing less, and yet....why can't I shoot? Why am I letting personal feelings get in the way? Why did I have to fall for a criminal?

Ness sighed as he lowered the gun. He closed his eyes before dropping the gun on the ground. "Awww, you finally made your decision?"

"....Just go, before I change my mind."

"You're in turmoil, you're in so much pain." Lucas walked toward Ness. Despite Ness only being able to see Lucas's legs and feet, his face started blushing and his heart started beating quickly. Lucas was only a few inches away from Ness. "You're going through so much when you're so young." Ness gulped before moving his head up to see Lucas's head. Their noses were nearly touching.

"You're the same age as me. What does that make you?"

"Yes, we are the same age." Lucas placed his hand on Ness's body, making Ness's face heat up more. He started walking around Ness. "But I don't mean young in age, I mean young in mind." Lucas stopped right behind Ness. Lucas placed his chin on Ness's shoulder. "You can be an arrogant little bitch sometimes, but that's part of your charm, isn't it?"

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