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"COME ON!! IT'S JUST A CAFE!" Young Link yelled with a flyer in his hands. He was trying to get Ness to go to a maid cafe. Ness wasn't budging though. Ness sighed.

"I'll shut this door on you..." Ness said as he firmed his grip on his front door. Young Link sighed before placing the flyer on the ground in front of Ness.

"At least give it a shot."

"Why do you want me to go so bad?"

"You'll see once you get there, now GO!!" Young Link ran off while yelling go. Ness shook his head before looking down at the flyer. In big bold letters were "SEXY SKIMPY SERVERS!" Ness picked the flyer up and walked into the house. He crumpled the flyer into a ball as he walked toward his bedroom. He entered his bedroom and tossed the balled-up piece of paper into the small trash can before walking over to his bed to resume his day.

Later that afternoon, while Ness was watching Hell's Kitchen, Tracy bombarded into the room. Ness sighed before pausing the show. He turned toward Tracy. They just ended up staring at each other for a while. "What?"

"Mom's not home again..." she said.

"Yea, I know, she's got a job for a reason."

"But now I'm hungryyyyyyy," Tracy whined.

"Go make some instant ramen or something," Ness waved her off as he turned back to the tv.

"You ate it all," Tracy said as she crossed her arms. Ness groaned as he laid back.

"Then make a damn sandwich." Tracy scoffed, then kicked the trash can. The only thing that fell out was the balled-up piece of paper. Tracy tilted her head as she looked down at it. She picked it up, uncrumpled it, and read the flyer with wide eyes.

"What about the maid cafe?" Ness instantly shot up and turned his head toward Tracy, who was holding the flyer up, showing Ness what was on the front. It was simply a brunette girl in an iconic maid's outfit.

"Where'd you get that?" Tracy lowered the flyer then pointed down at the knocked over trash can. Ness then shook his head. "We're not going to no stupid maid cafe."

"If we don't go, I'm telling mom you hit me," she crossed her arms. Ness rolled his eyes.

"Like they'd believe you." Tracy scoffed then held up her right hand. She balled it up into a fist. "What're you doing?" She then pointed the fist toward her cheek with a sly grin plastered on her face. "Tracy...." She then punched her own face. The sound alone was able to tell Ness that it hurt. Tracy even stumbled a bit. She then smirked at Ness with a wider grin and a big red cheek.

The two of them now stood in front of the Maid Cafe. "MAID CAFE, MAID CAFE, MAID CAFE, MAID CAFE, YAY!!" Tracy chanted as she jumped up and down. Ness looked down at her with annoyed and anger filed eyes.

"I hate you, you know that?" Tracy looked up at Ness and gave a more innocent smile. Ness wouldn't admit it, but he found this little smile of hers cute. Deep down he knew once she brought up the maid cafe he'd end up having to take her. Tracy, as long as she goes to Ness, usually gets what she wants anyway.

Inside the maid cafe was an unusual sight. One of the maid servers....was a boy. This boy was dressing into the maid outfit for the first time. This boy was Lucas. Lucas looked into the mirror in the dressing room and gave a cringed look. "This is for the mom, Lucas, this is for mom." Lucas took a deep breath before opening the door to find his manager, Carole. She was a nice blonde lady. Despite the niceties, she always got on Lucas's nerves, and this was his first day. Carole clapped her hands.

"You look so good, Lukey-Pooky," Carole said in a voice that didn't really match her appearance. Lucas glared into Carole's soul.

"Call me that again and I'll shove a stick so far down your eye socket I'll be using you as a costume." Carole nervously laughed before clearing her throat.

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