The Jackass' Buttercup

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WOO boyo, this is long and fun, like my boyfriends you know what. Anyway, I wrote this all today so man do I feel accomplished. Anyway, have fun

Lucas closed his eyes. He knows what today is, and he hates it. He shakes his head, trying to wake himself up from this nightmare that he knows is real. There was a knock at his door. Lucas didn't bother to put any clothes on--besides the underwear he had--and opened the door. Claus stood there. He had a small bruise on his face, Lucas knew who did this. Claus' eyes were also stained in red, much like Lucas' normally is. Lucas noticed a small drop of blood dripping from his left nostril. "You should probably get ready, dad's gonna take us to school," Claus said with no emotion.

"Where is she?" Lucas asked with a similar lack of emotion.

"Left for work, at least, after this." Lucas nodded and looked into his room. His messy room. He had clothes on the floor because they didn't have enough money to pay for dressers. They were lucky enough to have beds.

"I'll get ready, tell dad I'll be out soon." Claus nodded as he whipped the blood from his nose. Lucas closed the door and looked around at the various piles of clothes. Two piles were of clothes that no longer fit, one was of clothes ripped, and the final were ones that actually fit. Lucas was able to find a grey shirt with black shorts. He entered the nearby bathroom and took his cold shower. He looked in the mirror after the shower and looked at himself. His childish haircut sticking up with a little swoop. Lucas reached for a pair of scissors. He reached up to his hair. "New me." He proceeded to cut his hair into the drain of the sink. Some of the hair struggled to fall down the drain, but with a little push, they fell. After a few minutes, Lucas looked back into the mirror. He was glaring in his eyes and some tears started to fall.

"Lucas, dad's waiting," Claus knocks on the door. Lucas nods to himself in the mirror and opens the door. "Don't worry Lucas, we'll get through this. After this, we could move out." Lucas nodded and together they walked out. Before leaving Lucas and Claus grabbed a hoodie. Lucas' hoodie was black and Claus' was white. They put their hoods on and left the house. They got to the car in the driveway. The car for sure shows its years. Their mom bought it as a gift for their dad, but he's never been able to buy another car since. Claus enters into the passenger's seat and Ness behind him. They closed the door and their dad--Flint--backs out onto the road.

"You guys excited?" Flint asked with little excitement.

"What do you think?" Claus asked.

"Sorry, just thought I'd ask."

"Sorry dad, it's just."

"No, don't worry, I know." Flint then looked into the rearview mirror at Lucas. "What about you big guy?"

"I dunno dad, I don't know." Flint nodded.

"Me too." Flint continued to drive, purposely taking the long way to school just to avoid the police station. It still only took around ten minutes. They got to high school. Lucas rolled his eyes at all the happy faces. The faces talking with friends they haven't seen over the summer. They both heard the click signaling the door was unlocked. Lucas and Claus begrudgingly opened the door. They hopped out of the door and grabbed their black bags from the back of the car. Claus shut the trunk and looked at Lucas. They then walked toward the entrance that was being used by all of the students. Lucas looked back at his dad. Flint smirked and gave a faint nod.

Once Lucas and Claus entered the school they opened their bags and grabbed a schedule. They compared classes. "Looks like we have different lunches."

"Is that even surprising anymore?"

"I guess not, see ya later then." Lucas nodded and watched as Claus walked away. Lucas looked at his first class and walked up to the second floor. He walked to the opposite side of the school and found his classroom, classroom 211. The only person inside was the teacher. She looked like a nice lady, with an overall orange design for her clothes. She had a small pin in her brunette hair. The pin was of a daisy. She looked up from the computer and smiled.

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