The Christmasless Community

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Hello Hello, I am here. Now, I know it's been a while but I have been doing various things. Most of it is my large story thing I'm doing that sort of made me feel a little less motivated for these oneshots. But I found a way to sort of combine the two to sort of get the best of both worlds when it comes to my inspiration and whatever.

But before we get there, I just wanna give some time to my Grandpa, who unfortunately passed away last night. His death did affect the ending a little so I felt it was right to bring it up. Rest in piece Grandpa.

But for now, I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.


The school bells rang, the sounds blaring through every classroom and hallway. However, this was the first bell of the school day, only telling people to get ready for class, not them needing to be in class. Yet, one of the students was already in their classroom, reading a book. This book's cover was unreadable, the title was scratched off haphazardly. The teacher looked at this boy with a bit of remorse. This teacher, Byleth, cleared his throat. "Uhm, Lucas, don't you have anyone to hang out with? Class doesn't begin for a good while."

Lucas looked up from his book. His eyes were bland, nearly lifeless. Seeing his eyes always made Byleth instantly shut up. Lucas looked back down into his book as Byleth left the classroom. His friend and coworker, Ike, walked over to him. "He's in there, isn't he?" He asked. Byleth crossed his arms, leaning back against the wall.

"Always is. I worried for him." Ike opened his mouth when a student of Byleth's walked over, his name being Ness.

"Hey, Teach, got the essay you wanted," Ness said as he handed his teacher stapled sheets of paper. Byleth smiled as he nodded. He scanned through the sheets for a quick moment. Ness, however, was able to pick up on the aura between the two teachers. "Is something wrong?" Byleth looked at Ness with a somber sigh. "Is it that Lucas kid?" Byleth simply nodded. Ness scratched the back of his head when he gained an idea. "How's my grade in the class?" Byleth crossed his arms.

"Lackluster." Ness flinched a little.

"Is it that bad?"

"The words properly used to describe it would cause me to get fired."

"Ouch." Ness shook his head. "B-but what if I do some extra credit?"

"Ness, you know we can't provide Extra Credit."

"I know, but, what if I can fix Lucas?" Byleth opened his eyes to oppose this, but the thought of Lucas appearing in class, talking to Ness with a smile on his face overtook him.

"Alright, if you can get him to come out of his shell, I wouldn't mind bumping your grade up." Ness bumped his fist in the air before instantly gaining a calm composure and a smile.

"Action time." He entered the classroom. Ike shook his head, making Byleth feel instantly guilty.

"You know how he's going to feel if he finds out it wasn't out of the kindness of his heart," Ike strictly said.

"What if he doesn't find out?" Ike slowly shook his head some more as he walked to his classroom door.

"You should know this by now...the truth always finds a way to come out eventually. Hope you're prepared for the consequences." Ike entered his classroom as Byleth was left there, all alone. He looked down at the essay. It was all about arranged marriages. He let out a somber sigh.

Ness caught sight of Lucas reading his book. He walked over and sat in the chair next to him, only to receive a side-eye from him. He knew that wasn't where Ness normally sat. Despite popular rumors about him, he was very perceptive. He didn't care, though, and just looked back at his book. "Hey, Lucas, how was your day?" He didn't receive anything back. Ness instantly realized how hard it was truly going to be. "What uh, what book are you reading?" Ness tried to read the cover but received nothing. So then he tried to look into the book, which resulted in Lucas slamming it shut. He looked at Ness, and Ness was finally able to see the nearly lifeless eyes.

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