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I walk out of the boring math class. I seriously don't understand why it's necessary. If I want to be a writer I doubt I'll need some math, but I guess I can't predict the future. Either way, math is my last class so I need to stop by my locker. When I do make it, I empty most of my heavy bag. I get up and close the locker door just to see the asshole who's been making school a living hell. I sigh and turn away. I don't want to let him get to me. The principal said if we got into another fight it'll end with both of us getting detention. Can't they see he's bullying me, and they're gonna punish the victim just trying to defend himself? Whatever I just gotta get my mind off of him. "Hey, Lukey," he says. I turn my head.

"The hell do you want?" I ask. He giggles and walks forward. I turn around to fully face him. Ness, the popular kid. He's nice to most people, yet for some reason, he's rude to me. I never did anything to him as far as I can remember. He looks up to me because funny enough I happen to be taller than he is.

"What're you looking at me like that for?"

"You called me, so spit it out."

"Well, I'm sure you'd like to do that."

"What do you mean."

"You lil fag." He knows? How does he know? Not even Claus knows. I never told anyone, is it that obvious. Grant it I do dye my hair often, and I'm not the most masculine, and I guess I don't really hide the fact I look at the boys in the locker room. Damn, that sucks. Being in a room full of nearly nude boys is so hard for me. Ness shook me from my divergence. I cross my arms.

"I don't know what you mean."

"I saw the way you looked at me earlier, I don't appreciate being eye-rapped by some fag." I thought I was strong. But hearing that word now, hearing it in my face, seems harsher than when I tell myself it. Hearing it from Ness seems to hold an extra 1-2 punch to it. I start to feel my eyes well up. I shoot around, not wanting Ness to see me cry. "Well, it seems you're just a pussy, like your brother." My brother? He's going to bring up Claus? He's been out for a while, and Ness is just jealous Ninten is spending more time with him than Ness. Ness. He can make fun of me, but damn it if he brings up Claus. I shoot back around. The tear had dissolved from the heat of my anger.

"What did you say?" I ask in a tone that surprises me with how dark and menacing it is. Ness just laughs.

"Oh, the lil fag is gonna toughen up, you won't do shit," Ness says as he brings his face closer to mine, spitting in my face from his words.

"Didn't stop me last time."

"Fuck last time, now is now. And won't do fuck all." I growl and punch his gut. He fell back and ran toward me, slamming his head into my gut. Ness slams his fist into my head before I can recover. I fall to the ground and allow Ness to walk up to me. When he gets close enough I slam my foot into his crotch, causing him to limp forward. I stand up and grab the back of his head to slam it into the locker. Ness growls like a tiger before pouncing. He grabs my neck, he seems to do it with care as to not fully choke me. He leans forward. "You just fucked up." I spit in his face, making him angrier and punch my face again. Ness was gonna throw another punch but then someone pulls him off of me. That same person picks me up. I look at him, and of course, it was the same guard who stopped us last time. He looks between us. Donkey Kong, the guard who always stops fights.

"What did I say, last time boys?" he asks. Ness and I look at each other, expecting the other to answer.

"Go ahead, goody two shoes," I spit in his face.

"You go you fucking faggot," he spits back. Donkey Kong growls and puts us on his shoulders.

"This was your fifth fight in a week, that's it. Tomorrow you both have to go to detention in the cafeteria."

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