Showers bring Flowers

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Howdy dowdy. Apologies for no oneshot last week. Things happened and that's all I'll say. Anywho, this oneshot is shorter than most. It's actually just a repurposed short story from my Creative Writing class that I finished today and that I changed the names of (Hopefully I changed all the names lol). The reasoning being is I graduate next week, and I wanna celebrate with a special oneshot. I wanna give myself as much time this week to write that "Graduation Special" oneshot. And as a soon-to-be High School graduate I should be given more time to write and hopefully I don't become a lazy bastard playing games all night. Anywhosy, I hope you enjoy this. Thank you!!


Humans are very good at many things. One of those many things is struggling. Humans are amazing at that, and to a certain extent, yearn for it. But this boy didn't want that. He didn't want to be struggling. What exactly was he struggling with? School. Sure, that may be a basic struggle, but his was unlike most. He kept up an honest face. Claimed to have been the school's pride and joy. He was the star Baseball player in a school where Baseball was held higher than Football or Basketball. He was an amazing singer. He was the friendly face that everyone in the school knew. He was a grade-A student. The ladies man. The man of all men. But he had a secret. It wasn't a dark secret, just a secret he felt scared to let out. This boy's name was Lucas.

Lucas and his father were close. Very close. Lucas held his dad in high regard. He liked to call himself Mr. Mom. He was both earning money and respect. The sad thing was, Lucas's dad needed to almost be in a constant loop of work. Just work after work after work. He had only about two hours for some quality time with his son on a normal day. So, just like any day, Lucas woke up in a house by himself. He was used to it. A sad reality. He got himself ready for school; he ate, showered, did last-minute homework, etc. He left the house.

The town he lived in, Ultimatum, was in the middle of the rainiest region of the USA. It had rained last night, so the ground was wet and the grass was fresh with mud. Lucas looked into one of the many puddles on the sidewalk to his driveway. He saw his pale skin reflected. However, due to some weird lighting shenanigans, it created a sort of rainbow effect in the upper regions of the puddle. Lucas shook his head. "I swear I'd look better with green eyes." He entered his car and started on his way toward his best friend's house.

Lucas and his best friend, as with a lot of best friends, went back a long time. Back when they were kindergartners, in fact. Lucas's best friend knew almost everything about Lucas. Emphasis on "almost". Lucas made it to his best friend's house. He honked the horn.

"LET'S GO, NESS!" Lucas yelled. The door to the house opened up and Ness walked out, looking very much annoyed.

"You do realize how annoying your horn is, dontcha?"

"I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about," Lucas smugly said as Ness walked to the other side of the car.

"Uh-huh, right," Ness got into the car and put his seat belt on, "Just start the damn car." Lucas shifted from park to drive and winked.

"Way ahead of ya." Lucas started driving once more. Along the way, a question that had swelled inside Ness for years finally decided to show its face.

"So when are you not going to be single?" Lucas instantly straightened his back and almost pressed hard onto the breaks.

"Wh-what?" And just then, something hit his window. It was a water droplet. It had begun raining.

"You heard me." The rain quickly got more and more, prompting Lucas to turn on the windshield wipers.

"I-I just haven't found the right person. That's all." Ness didn't believe that. He knew Lucas. And thus, he knew all the girls that were interested in him. He was jealous of all the girls interested in Lucas.

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