A Day in His Family

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This story was requested by Cb2238 right here on Wattpad



Lucas sleepily opened his eyes. He haphazardly turned the alarm clock off and sat up. He stretched before jumping out of the bed. He looked through the walk-in closet to find his clothes. Little did he know, Ness, who he shared the bed with, also woke up. He walked over to the walk-in closet and hugged Lucas from behind. "Morning babe," He kissed Lucas's neck as Lucas continued his scanning for his clothes.

"Morning." He reached forward and grabbed a shirt. "Get dressed already, it's your turn to change Kira."

"UGH!!! Fine, Mr. Bossy Momma!!"

"You know it, now get dressed." Ness kissed Lucas's neck again before getting his clothes from the closet. The two of them got dressed and walked out of their room and found themself to be in a hallway of bedrooms. Ness directly walked to the closest to get Kira up for her diaper change. Lucas stopped at the second door and knocked on it. "BOYS!!! Wakie wakie!!" Nothing. He sighed. He always did this. He always simply knocked on the door to try and wake his boys but that never worked. He never understood why he kept doing it. He barged into the room and saw his boys sleeping in their beds. The first boy was named Noir. He had dark unkempt hair and was the taller of the two twins. His eyes were a vibrant purple and overall took more from Ness than Lucas. However, the other boy took more from Lucas. This other boy was named Nori. He was a blonde with bright blue eyes. He was a little chubbier than the two but wouldn't be considered fat. Lucas crossed his arms before flicking up the light switch. "BOYS!" They finally jumped awake. They looked at Lucas.

"Uh...h-hi Dad," Noir greeted nervously. Lucas gave both of his boys the classic "If you don't get the fuck out of bed, you're gonna regret it" mom stare. Nori jumped out of the bed and pushed Lucas out.

"O-okay Dad, we'll get changed."

"You better," Lucas said. He rolled his eyes and walked over to his oldest kid's bedroom. He knocked on the door of his teenager's room. "HEY!!! Noel, wake up!!" The door opened and showed his teenage son.

"What?" Noel asked with his squeaky voice that was in the middle of puberty. He was the most mixed of his boys. He had Lucas's baby blue eyes, Ness's dark hair, Lucas's stylized hair, Ness's darker skin, and Lucas's taller height. He also had Claus's attitude. Noel crossed his arms. "You know how early it fucking is?"

"Yes, that's why I'm awake. Get dressed and get ready for school."

"Pfft, whatever." Noel closed the door. Ness walked over to Lucas with their baby girl in his hands.

"Classic Noel?"

"Yup." Lucas turned toward Kira and kissed her forehead. Kira was still a baby, so she has yet to grow into her body to really resemble one of the two boys. Although, based on what she looked like at the moment, she was most likely going to look more like Ness. Lucas patted Ness's cheek before walking toward the kitchen. To no one's surprise, Lucas was more of the stereotypical mother. He stayed home, cooked, cleaned, all of that. Whilst Ness was the stereotypical father. He worked, did all of the heavy lifting, and of course, the most important part of being a father....the dad jokes.

Lucas started the stove and prepared the bacon and eggs for breakfast. Ness sat on the couch, feeding Kira. Within time, Noir and Nori ran out playing with their toys. They smelt the familiar and tasty smell of bacon. They ran over to Lucas and tugged at his pants. "Don't worry, boys, the bacon will be done soon."

"How soon?!" Nori whined.

"Soon. That's all that matters. Now go play."


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