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This is a bit short, but there's nothing wrong in that. Oh an there are a few fanart that I used here and I just wanted to say that I don't take credit for any of them. All credit goes to the original artist, I found the actual images on Pinterest if you're so inclined to know. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. :)


Lucas pounded on the door to Paula's house. He waited outside for a while before the door opened. However, it wasn't Paula who opened the door. It was Ness. Lucas tilted his head. "Uhm? Do I want to know?" Lucas asked. Ness shook his head.

"Oh shut up. I was called here too," Ness said. He then motioned for Lucas to enter the house with him. Ness led Lucas up to the room Paula was in.

"Is this another damned Game night?"

"I don't think so?" Ness and Lucas entered the room and found Paula sitting at the side of her bed with her feet crossed.

"Well, hello there boys," she said. Ness crossed his arms.

"Paula, why'd you call us here?" Lucas asked. Paula jumped from the bed and walked to Lucas.

"I've got something fun we could do." Lucas placed his hand on her head and forced her to turn around.

"I'm not having sex with you." Paula stomped before turning around.

"It's not about sex this time."

"This time?" Ness questioned. He sounded somewhat jealous. Lucas looked at him and noticed the jealousy wrapped around his face. He just assumed that he was jealous of Lucas.

"Don't worry, we haven't actually done anything," Lucas defused the situation. Paula scoffed as she crossed her arms. She walked back to her bed and sat on it.

"Alrighty then, so we'll be dressing up," Paula said, "and when I say 'we' I mean you guys while I sit and watch......and take pictures."

"I came here.....to dress up?" Lucas asked, full of anger. Paula seemingly thought for a moment.....before nodding her head ecstatically. Lucas exaggeratedly groaned as he turned around. Right as he was about to step out of the room, Ness grabbed his arm. Lucas looked at him. "The hell?" Ness motioned for Lucas to look at Paula. Lucas turned around and saw that Paula had an evil smirk. "Oh no.....she has something on us, doesn't she?"

"What is it now, Paula?" Ness asked. Paula stepped from the bed and walked to the computer in the corner of her room. Ness and Lucas joined her as she started clicking through folders. She then clicked on a folder titled "blackmail". In this folder were tons of photos of people from all over Ultimatum. But what she clicked on was a video at the bottom of the folder. "A video?" The video started playing and it was of Lucas's bedroom. Soon, Lucas entered the bedroom....but he wasn't alone. Ness was following him. Ness kicked the door closed and pushed Lucas onto the bed. Before it got any spicier, Paula paused the video. She twisted around and smiled at their worried faces.

"Do I need to say more?" Paula asked. Lucas cleared his throat and shook his head.

"Wh-what're we dressing as?" Paula twisted around and traveled through loads of other folders. She soon got to a folder called Nesscas fanart. Both boys knew what that name meant. Lucas scoffed as he crossed his arms. "Why am I second?" Ness leaned his head to Lucas's ear.

"I think we both know why," Ness said with a sly smirk, knowing he didn't have to hide it from Paula. Lucas shoved Ness away.

"Just, like, not, ok?" Paula giggled.

"Y'all are cute. Now, look at this." Both boys looked at the computer and saw drawings of them. Some were platonic drawings while others were....very much less so. Lucas moved his head closer to the computer.

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