A Cheerleader's Goal

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Hey hey. First of all, apologies. I ended up taking a bit of a longer break than I intended. I've more or less fully recovered from my cat.  I just hope that this oneshot didn't suffer from it. But I should be back to my normal schedule for a little while until I decide to go on another breath from oneshots to focus on a few other projects. I plan on finally releasing my large story soon and returning to my other story somewhat soon. Either way, thanks for being patient if you were. Enjoy

Lucas stared in the mirror as he fixed up his hair. He always had a horrible bedhead as soon as he woke up. There was something on his mind, however. A burning question he wanted to ask Ness. But he just couldn't bring up the courage to do so. His school life was coming to a close. Graduation was just around the corner. Adulthood was about to begin. He and Ness were no longer going to be kids.

There was one thing that Lucas wanted to experience. That was prom. He wanted to ask Ness to go to prom with him. But he didn't know how best to do it. He never asked Ness anything remotely like that. Sure, he asked him various times to hang out and whatnot, but there was a sort of commitment that was needed for prom.

While he was doing his hair, Claus opened the door to his bedroom. "Lucas, what's taking you so long?" Lucas turned toward him and put the come down.

"My hair. Today was a bad bedhead day."

"Well, get ready, we're already running a bit late." Claus shut the door, leaving Lucas to himself once more. He turned back toward the mirror, letting out a sigh as he looked at his body. He was lithe. Little to no muscle anywhere on his body. He was never athletic, never all that fit. But Ness was. He was an active member of the school's Baseball team. Not to mention he was just overall athletic.

"Would he even want me?" Lucas asked himself as he walked over and grabbed his shirt. "He'll probably want someone who can keep up with him." He put the shirt on. His same striped shirt. "Like Paula." Paula was a friend of Ness's. Lucas only met her a few times, but he knew a bit about her. He knew she was a cheerleader. She was about as athletic as Ness was. He shook his head and went to get fully ready for school, trying to replace the thoughts with other menial things. He knew he had no chance with Ness, so the best he could do was try and ignore those feelings. "Maybe it'll hurt less" Lucas always said to himself.

Once he got to the school, he saw Ness. He always waited for Lucas on a bench along the way to the front door. His baseball bat in hand and phone in the other. Seeing him always made him forget about those fears. He ran over to Ness and stood in front of him. "Hey man," he said. Ness looked up from his phone and smiled.

"Hey there," he said before pushing himself off the bench. "I was waiting for you."

"You always do."

"Hey, boys!!" A female voice called out to the two of them. They looked over and saw Paula running toward them. She had pink pom-poms around her shoulder. It looked like she'd just gotten done with some cheerleading practice. "Glad you're both here."

"What is it?" Ness asked.

"My parents are allowing a Pre-Prom party at my place if you two wanna come."

"You're...inviting me?" Lucas questioned. He wasn't unpopular. Nor was he an introvert. He was known to be quite outgoing and fun to be around, but yet, he'd never really be invited to things. Especially to parties of people he barely knew.

"Of course, you're friends with Ness. Any friend of Ness is a friend of mine," she said as she patted Lucas on the shoulder.

"When is this party?" Ness asked.

"Tomorrow, after school." Ness smiled before wrapping an arm around Lucas's shoulders.

"We'll be there," he answered for both of them.

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