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I just wanna give out a small notice. I'm going on a trip, so I wasn't able to properly proofread this oneshot. Hopefully I don't have too many mistakes. But yeah, enjoy :D


April 3rd 20xx

Life has been odd since my encounter with Slenderman. I tried to convince myself, and convince Ness, that it was just a dream. That we were just tripping mad balls if we ever saw Slenderman...but we have. Ever since then, he's in every single picture we take. We've stopped taking pictures but he's still there. Every time we look into something that is reflective, we see him. He never gets any closer. He never makes a physical appearance. He's always watching. Always.

Ness and I needed a bit of a break, so he decided to take me to the Ultimall. I love this place. It's large and god does it have some awesome stores. He looks at me with that sweet sweet smile of his. Oh, and if it isn't already clear, he and I are a thing. Like a serious thing. I remember when we first revealed our crushes together. He walked in on me changing and lord did he have the stare of a lifetime.

"Ok babe, you ready?" Ness asks. I cross my arms, unsure of what he's talking about.

"We're just going into the mall, what's there to be ready for?" I ask him. Ness reaches into his pocket and brings out a wad of cash. "Holy fuck, where'd you get that?"

"Mom. She called me the other day and said this was for an early birthday gift." I grab the cash and smack my hand with it, hearing the relatively powerful collision sound.

"Jeez. I love your mom," I giggle before handing back the cash.

"She knows, trust me, she's quite fond of you too. Better not run off with her though."

"I dunno, man, if she keeps paying like this imma have myself a sugar momma." Ness rolls his eyes before interlocking his arm with my own.

"Let's just get going. Better enjoy the time we have before you run off into the sunset with my mom." We walk into the Ultimall and are instantly hit with that load of cool air from the best air conditioning system in the city. We walk around, seeing various stores and people we know. However, we stop at one place. A place we don't know. A store that doesn't seem new, but does so at the same time. I step forward, tilting my head.

"What the? Ness, you know this place?"

"No. Must, then. But it seems..." Ness and I both look at the state of the store. It's not the best, not at all. It's raggedy. It looks worn.

"Sketchy," I say to myself. In the corner of my eye, I see Ness nod his head. There's a sign that says the place is open. Weird. It looks like this place will be closed. It looks like it should be closed. I look over at Ness and see the face he has on. I can't help but roll my eyes. I love him, with all my heart, but he has one hell of a curiosity. He's more curious than George is, and that's a high bar to go over.

"If I end up dead, I'm haunting you for the rest of my afterlife," I say as I walk over to the front door.

"And if I'm dead?"

"I'll convince the devil himself to bring you to hell." I hear him giggle. Mission accomplished. I grab the handle to the door. Most doors to the stores in the mall are see-through. But this door isn't. And now that I think about it, the windows are boarded up....from the inside. These prevent anyone from seeing inside the store from outside of it. I gulp before opening the door. I don't step in though. I feel Ness's hand on my shoulder.

"What could go wrong?"

"Everything." I finally step in. It's dark, there's a single lightbulb that's hanging from the roof. I hear ness do the same. We look around for someone and my skeleton nearly jumps out of my skin. A boy. He looks around my age, but he doesn't look normal. His face is white, his eyelids are gone, and his mouth is cut to have an eternal smile. Damn.....that's one hell of a Halloween costume. Halloween is like a little over a month away, but, I guess it's never too early. That's the ideology with Christmas, so why not Halloween too, right?

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