The family

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Lucas was from a very prestigious clan. Not necessarily because they were rich, although they were, they were prestigious in fear. Everyone knew what they did, everyone tried to prevent it, but no one was able to do it. They did this on purpose though. They wanted everyone knowing what they did, they loved knowing everyone was incapable of stopping them. Lucas was no different from the rest of his clan. He loved doing those things.

Lucas was called on by his father, Flint, for the first time to do the entire process. He would usually just watch and do minimal things. Lucas needed to get ready for the big moment. He had a suit planned out. It was a back vest over a blue shirt. He also had black dress pants and shoes normally used for tap dancing. Lucas also had a golden necklace around his neck. He looked at himself in his large, glimmering, silver-plated mirror. "Heh, not bad Lucas, not bad," Lucas said to himself. He looked at the dresser that stood below the mirror. There he had two black gloves. He put them on, ensuring to add his little flair by letting the bottom of the glove to to slap into his wrist. He gave his reflection an evil grin.

Lucas made it to the sewers. The entrance to the sewer system was connected to their clan's factory--Cross's Cross stitch--which doubled as their hideout. Lucas walked down through the dark and musty sewer system. He always hated how they did their business there. He hated how dark it was, how it smelled, and he hated how something would always end up dripping onto his hair. Eventually, just by walking forward from the ladder, Lucas made it to a dead end. He cleared his throat and tapped his feet in a certain tone. The clan called it, The Love Theme. Once Lucas stopped tapping his feet a hidden door revealed itself in the wall, allowing Lucas to enter with no problem.

Inside was a large room. There were already a few people from his clan there, along with their victim. The two highest-ranked members of their clan--outside of his father--were there; Cloud Strife and Ren Amamiya. There were also two mid-ranked members there; Daisy and Luigi. Finally, there were two rookies; Blue and Pichu. Cloud stepped toward Lucas and bowed his head. "He's all prepped," Cloud said in his trade-marked "I couldn't care less" voice.

"Thank you, Mr. Strife." Cloud stepped back and Lucas saw Ren walking toward him with a chest and the clan's symbol, known as the Smash Ball. Ren opened the chest showing Lucas's two favorite weapons, a sharp stick and brass knuckles. Lucas grabbed both with a thankful nod. Lucas walked over to the blindfolded man tied to the chair.

"GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!! I've got nothing to say to you guys!!" The man yelled. Lucas smirked down at the man before looking at the rookies. They, like all of the members of the clan, were in a very similar suit to Lucas's. However, the shirts were different in color. Blue had a different shade of blue, Pichu had yellow, Ren had red, Cloud had white, Luigi had green, and Daisy had orange. There was also a small pin in the top right corner of the vest to signify their rank. Rookies had a simple white ball, low-ranked members had the ball with a single slash, mid-ranked had two slashes, high-ranked had three slashes, and Groupers had four slashes. Lucas's immediate family were the only ones without this pin.

Lucas grabbed the man's blindfold and ripped it off. The man looked up and, just by the man's eyes, Lucas knew who it was. Lucas took a step back from the tied up buff man. The red gi, the short and wavy blond hair, the cocky way his eyes always seemed to be downgrading whoever he looked at, this was Ken Masters. Lucas crossed his arms. "Mr. Masters, we meet again."

"Lucas," Ken growled. His face was somewhat bruised and his arms were definitely bruised. Lucas shook his head. He picked up his stick and positioned it right under Ken's chin and forced him to look up.

"Name's Cross, better get that through your thick skull." Ken ripped his head away from Lucas's stick and growled under his breath. Lucas chuckled before putting on his golden brass knuckles. "You know, I saw that match on tv, you did really well." Ken looked back at Lucas with his smug smile.

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