It is what it is

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Today was the day. The day most kids despised—the end of summer break, and the start of school. For Lucas; he was no different. He hated school as much as the next person. He hated having to wake up to that dreadful alarm. He hated needing to get ready every morning at a god-awful time. He hated all of it. But he needed to do it anyway. "It is what it is" he'd often say to himself.

Lucas looked at himself in the mirror. He wore the same thing he'd often wear around. A red and yellow striped shirt with some blue shorts. He had some red and yellow shoes as well. His hair was draped down past his eyes. In front, however, it was worse. It was nearly down to his mouth. He grabbed a come and some hair gel to fix it up. It was still a bit wet from the shower he'd just taken. He easily combed it up into the style he most preferred it in. A nice scoop upward. He smirked a bit as he saw himself. His smile quickly faded as he heard the door to his bedroom open. He put the come down and left his bathroom to see his brother.

"Claus, you're looking fancy." Lucas walked over to grab his backpack. When he turned around, he was able to get an actual good look at what he was wearing. He wore a pretty spiffy outfit. He had a school sweater over his plain white T. He wore some tight-fitting shorts. "Really making yourself obvious with those shorts there." Lucas pushed past Claus, who simply crossed his arms.

"They're not for you to look at."

"Yeah yeah yeah, for your sweet boo, or whatever you call him," Lucas waved him off. Claus rolled his eyes as he ran forward. Something that Lucas always envied about his brother, was his ability to make friends. One would assume, by Claus's sort of rude demeanor that it'd be pretty hard for him to meet new people. But there was just something about him that'd always attract people like some kind of magnet. One of those people was Ninten.

Ninten had been his brother's boyfriend for nearly their entire high school life. They met sometime in Freshmen and were still going strong. He'd often see Ninten come over. His coming over so often caused the twins to get separate rooms. Lucas hated it at first, but after hearing certain noises come from the room, he began becoming thankful for it.

Claus got up to his side. "Once you get in a relationship, you'll realize why you'd wear stuff like this."

"Pft, like that will happen. I told you." Lucas turned toward him with a very serious look on his face. "I'm not on the market. I'll never be on the market." He turned back toward the front door, dropping his seriousness for a second. "I have enough issues to deal with on my own. Don't wanna take in anyone else's." The two of them left the house to make it to their parent's car. Once inside, both their mom and dad, Hinawa and Flint respectively, turned to look at them.

"Boys, you excited?" Hinawa asked with a wide smile on her face. Lucas looked at his Flint.

"Surprised you're here, Dad," he simply said. However, there was a hint of disdain in his voice.

"I couldn't miss my boys' first day of their last year!" He said, chuckling happily.

"Mm..." Lucas simply hummed before looking down and putting on his seatbelt. Hinawa chuckled a little before starting the car. They drove off toward Smash High. It was a phenomenally large school. It needed to be large due to the nature of Ultimatum. It was the only school in the entire city, going from K-12. So, the boys had been going to this school for as long as they could remember.

Once they arrived at the school the two of them got out. Before they could get too far, however, Hinawa lowered Flint's window to yell at them. "Don't forget. Mommy and Daddy love both of you!!"

"Sure you do..." Lucas plainly said before popping in some headphones and walking toward the school. Claus simply let out a sigh.

"I love you both too," he called out to them. He rushed over to Lucas. He opened his mouth to begin talking to him until a familiar voice called out to him from the front of the school. He looked over, and up the flight of stairs was Ninten. Claus smiled. Ninten ran down the stairs, stopping right in front of Lucas.

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