A Stolen Heart

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The cold, hard, and somewhat wet cement floor that Ness called his home was always annoying to him when it came to trying to catch some sleep. He was surprised he was even able to get sleep. Ness was trying to sleep now, as he rolled across on the floor. It didn't really help that all that he was given for clothing was underwear. He twisted and turned until he found an oddly comfortable position where he looked like he was jumping but still attached to the ground. Once he felt his eyelids get heavy, a loud, unbearable banging noise echoed through his cell. He shot up and looked at the door to his cell, and saw one of the guards who monitored him, and the other prisoners in that basement. This one, in particular, was named Little Mac. "The Prince wants ya."

"Nah, it's fine, I just got comfy," Ness said as he laid back down.

"Get up!" Little Mac sternly said. Ness groaned as he stood up and walked to the bars. He grabbed the bars and smirked.

"You know, for as much as you try to be intimidating, you're just a small little scrapper." Little Mac let out a powerful punch to Ness's gut, making him kick out his breath and curse. He hunched over his pained chest as Little Mac opened the cell. He grabbed Ness's neck.

"You forget who's in charge, kid." Ness shakily looked at Little Mac.

"This is coming.....from someone who takes orders from a 'kid'." Little Mac growled as he tightened his grip on Ness's neck, nearing the point of choking. Little Mac walked out of the cell.

"I hope the prince gives you the proper punishment."


Lucas was sitting at his throne, which he had a guard put a table in front of so he could lay his head down on it. While his head was lying on the table, he had an eraser in one hand and a pencil in the other. He was playing with them as if they were figurines. "I will destroy you, Senior Pencil!!!" He made the eraser say in a deep voice.

"No no, man, not if I destroy you first," he made the pencil say in a shitty Mexican accent. He collided the two of them into each other a few times before having the pencil's tip stab into the eraser.

"OH!! The agony!!!"

"HAHA, I told you—" The door to the throne room slammed up, making Lucas react in a bad way....he swiped the two "figures" aside, which only ended up hitting one of his two guards', Joker, crotch. Joker fell from pain.

"Ahh, dammit!!" he squealed. Lucas simply interlocked his fingers and smiled innocently. The smile disappeared when he saw Little Mac walking up to him with Ness, who he didn't even know, in his hands. Little Mac kneeled down after forcing Ness to do the same.

"My liege, the prisoner that tried to break in."

"Ahh, yes, I totally knew about this....." Lucas looked at his other guard, Ryu. "Someone tried to break in?"

"Yes sir, a long time ago," Ryu whispered.

"How was I not informed about this?"

"You were sir. You were just taking a bubble bath when you were told."

"Oh," Lucas chuckled lightheartedly, "Right, I loved that bath." He cleared his throat before looking at Little Mac and Ness. "May I see the boy?"

"The boy? I'm older than you!!" Ness called up. Lucas crossed his arms and scoffed. Ryu walked up to Ness and forced him to stand back up. Ness walked, with Ryu intimidatingly behind him, toward Lucas. Even after Ness was in place, Ryu stood behind him. Lucas wasn't an intimidating prince whatsoever. Nothing about him would make someone think of strong or tough or anything along those lines. He would even be considered childish for his age, only being a year younger than Ness, who was arguably more mature. Lucas couldn't keep his eyes from darting to Ness's underwear.

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