The Cafe

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"You hear about that star athlete?" Toon Link asked Red. Red and Toon Link were sitting on stools at a counter. Behind this counter was an exposed kitchen, grant it the kitchen wasn't that big. Inside this kitchen was a single boy, Lucas. Lucas, despite working the cafe alone, didn't feel overwhelmed. He was simply preparing the coffee the way Red liked it.

"You mean the Undefeated Baller?" Red asked. Lucas walked over with Red's coffee in its mug. Once Lucas placed the mug on the counter in front of Red, he wiped his hands on his brown apron.

"Yea, rumor says he's gay."

"Why's that matter?" Lucas asked, sitting on his own stool on the other side of the counter of Toon Link. Red started to drink his coffee. Toon Link shrugged.

"I dunno, just thought it was interesting." Red placed the mug down with a satisfied sigh.

"When did the rumors start?" Red asked.

"Apparently, he was asked out by tons of girls, and all of which he declined."

"It could just mean he has standards, it's best not to jump to conclusions," Lucas said as he got off the stool, noticing another customer had walked to the counter.

"Yea, well, you're gay." Lucas took a pencil from his ear and brought out a notepad. He then looked at Toon Link.

"Yea, but I've never been asked out by a girl, so what's your point?"

"You've never been asked out by anyone..." Lucas shot his head from the customer to look directly at Toon Link's now lowered head.

"What was that?!?"

"N-nothing." Lucas rolled his eyes and looked back at the customer.

"Sorry, sir," Lucas bowed. The customer simply held up his hand to say "it's fine". Lucas set out to prepare the man's order, and once Lucas finished and gave it to the man, the man walked over to one of the other tables. Lucas walked back to his stool and looked at his friends. "Why even mention him anyway?"

"Yea, why?" Red asked after swallowing his sip.

"The rumor didn't just stop there, people needed a valid reason to be rumoring that he's gay," Toon Link said. Lucas and Red both tilted their heads. They knew what Toon Link was getting at.

"He has a crush?"

"Yea, supposedly at least. And people think it's a guy." Red finished his coffee and so Lucas picked the mug up.

"Whoever this guy is...must be pretty lucky," Lucas said as he walked into the kitchen. Red looked out after him.

"Didn't you say you had a crush on him?" Red asked. Lucas started to wash the mug.

"Yea, but that was in middle school. I've moved on." Lucas was feeling lucky he had a valid reason to be looking away from them because he was blushing. He never truly got rid of his crush for the star baseball player, Ness. While his crush did significantly lessen over the years, mainly due to lack of interaction, a small hint of it still existed within him. Lucas's faint blush disappeared by the time he finished washing the dish. He turned to see the boys just about ready to leave. Lucas walked toward them. Red reached into his pocket and brought out a wallet--which had a cute little Riolu on it--and brought out $2. He handed it to Lucas.

"Aight, see ya later." Lucas took the money with a nod. Toon Link then gave a small salute before they started to make their way to the exit. Lucas made sure the two of them left before walking to the cash register, where he put the money in. He then looked at his cheap watch and saw he still had an hour left of work. He stretched his back and looked around the cafe. No new customers came in at that point, so Lucas decided it was time for some cleaning. He took off the apron and walked into a room near the bathroom--which was already in the corner of the cafe. He came out with some cleaning supplies and started cleaning the cafe.

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