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Hehe, this is a bit long.....I actually worked on this for a whole week as of this day, so I really hope this story is good. This was probably the most fun I had writing a story so if it sucks the....I guess I dunno. Anyway, hope you enjoy.

The bright and crackling campfire stood in the middle of the group of campers. The campers were all a part of the same class. The class was a survival course, with its teacher being Link. There were four half logs around the fire, with enough space between them and the fire to prevent any burning. One log was on every four sides of the fire. The campfire was also constructed on a premade path. There were tents behind the campfire, and ahead of the campfire on the large path.

Link, with loads of sticks, came down the path and dropped the sticks. He grabbed one and handed it to the closest student, Young Link. He started to hand out the other sticks to all the other students. Link stood up behind Young Link and cleared his voice. "Class, while you'll unlikely have marshmallows if you ever were to get stuck out in the woods, something you'll need to know is how to use a campfire to cook properly. So, stab the marshmallow with the stick and try to cook it perfectly. Anyone who can roast five perfect marshmallows will get a special tour to what makes this forest so special. Now, begin."

Ness, a student who was always known for his cooking skills, felt like it was going to be too easy, so he decided not to start when everyone else started. He simply stretched then took off his hat. Popo, Ness's closest friend, noticed this and raised an eyebrow. "The hell? Don't you wanna win?" Popo asked as he hovered his marshmallow over the fire. Ness smirked as he looked over at Popo.

"Of course I do, but like, I don't even need to try." Popo's eyes grew annoyed.

"Cocky bastard." Ness chuckled some more. Ness played with his noir hair before Link finally noticed his lack of activity. He sighed and walked over to Ness. He didn't notice though, he was too focused at looking at the dirt for one reason or another. Link cleared his throat, making Ness jump slightly. He shakily looked up at an already fed up Link.

"You could always go out and kill a bear, or maybe even an Octorok if you're lucky...want to try that?" Link asked.

"N-no, sir," Ness stuttered, earning a few laughs from his classmates.

"Then cook." Link continued his walk around the circle of campers. Ness mocked Link as he stabbed his marshmallow. He hovered it over the fire and looked over at Popo, who was way too focused on the roasting.

"Try hard." Popo turned his head.

"I AM NO FUCKING TRY HARD!!" Popo yelled.

"POPO, QUIET DOWN!!" Link yelled. Popo lowered his head.

"Sorry." He looked back at Ness. "Unlike you, I don't have a natural talent for cooking, so do me a favor, and shut up." Popo took out his marshmallow and groaned loudly. "It burned....DAMMIT!!"

"POPO!!!" Ness grew bored. After a few minutes, he took out the marshmallow and found it perfectly roasted. He yawned before flawlessly roasting the other marshmallows. Link congratulated him. "Alright, well, everyone did well. For now, go sleep and we'll continue more tomorrow. And Ness...?"

"Yes?" Ness asked.

"Your special tour is also tomorrow, it'd probably be best if you could bring a swimsuit." Ness tilted his head as everyone stood up.

"What do you mean?" Link looked down and closed his eyes.

"Guess I forgot to tell you." Link looked back up with a smile that was very contagious. "Since you won you and your entire tent will be going on the special tour." Popo started hopping instantly. Young Link walked over to Ness's side but was mainly focused on Popo. Popo stopped his hops and hugged Ness. He then gave a big kiss to Ness's cheek.

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