Winter feels

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The crunching of the snow Lucas always found satisfying. He loved marking the snow with his footprint. Due to this like, he was enjoying his walk through the snowy city with Ness. They were both decked out in winter clothing. They had layers upon layers of warm clothes, but despite this, they were still cold. They tried to solve this by holding hands, but it only heated up their hands. "N-Ness, it's pretty cold out h-here," Lucas said, slightly shivering. Ness giggled. He tightened his grip on Lucas's hand.

"Well it is snowing, what'd you expect?" Ness asked. Lucas shrugged. It wasn't snowing too much or too heavy but it was snowing enough for said snow to pile up to Lucas's ankle. Lucas looked around the neighborhood and saw a yard that had the most satisfying yard of snow. It was perfectly flat and had no marks anywhere on it. Any cold Lucas had, disappeared as he prepared a stance and slightly stuck his tongue out. Ness knew what this stance meant. Lucas would occasionally jump into a perfectly flat area to hear the satisfying crunch that no one has heard from that area of snow. Ness let Lucas go right before Lucas started running through the snow to make it to the flat yard. Once there, he jumped in and heard the loud crunch underneath his feet. He giggled happily at the sound as he continued to crash his feet down onto the snow to hear more crunching. Ness was slowly walking up to him and couldn't help but smile at how happy Lucas was to be crunching the snow.

Lucas turned around after completely ruining the yard and scratched his head. "S-sorry about that." Ness giggled as he held his hand back out. Lucas ran out in a very funny way and collided his hand into Ness's.

"So, where do you wanna go now? The park?" Lucas's eyes shone from happiness. Just the simple word "park" was enough to brighten his day.

"Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!!" Lucas rapidly shot out.

"Ok, ok, I get it." Ness started walking, and since he held Lucas's hand he too was forced to walk. While walking through the snowy sidewalks, Lucas was slightly dancing, or at least dancing as much as he could've. "You're so jolly, you know that?" Lucas looked up at Ness with a wide smile. Lucas's cheeks were red and his bright blue eyes could make the sun go blind. Ness found this face to be very cute. Granted, the blush was from the cold, and Ness knew this, but he didn't care. "You're adorable," Ness happily said before kissing Lucas's cheek. Lucas's smile only grew, which showed Ness why Lucas was so irresistible to him.



"Can I ride you?" Ness's eyes widened.

"T-This i-sn't the time or the p-place for that?" Ness frantically said. Lucas rolled his eyes.

"I meant on your back, like a piggyback ride."

"O-oh...yeah,"—Ness nervously chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck—"T-that's what I-I thought too." Lucas grinned. He grabbed Ness's chest and moved his head to Ness's ear.

"I'll ride you in your way later."

"...." Lucas moved back down with a sly grin. "I-I'm suddenly not cold anymore."

"So, c-can you give me a ride?" Ness shrugged.

"I don't s-see why not." Ness crouched enough for Lucas to hop on. Lucas wrapped himself around Ness with his hands over Ness's shoulders and his legs wrapped around Ness's chest. Ness stood back up and looked back at Lucas. "How is it?" Lucas nuzzled his head with Ness's and gave a blushed grin.

"T-this feels n-nice."

"Says t-the one who's using me."

"When do I-I not?" Ness boopped Lucas's nose before continuing the walk. Lucas was way more light than he looked like so Ness had zero problems with carrying him. Lucas rested his head on Ness's shoulder and started to feel sleepy. "Actually, N-Nessy? C-can we go to the park tomorrow?"

"Oh, but you were so excited about the p-park."


"That's because you were running through the snow jumping and shit, what'd y-you expect?"

"F-fuck you....." Ness grinned as he continued walking through the snowy sidewalks.

"Say, we're closer t-to my house...w-wanna go there?" Ness didn't get a response, so he looked back and saw Lucas asleep. Ness couldn't hold in laughter. "You're adorable."

".....fuck you......" Lucas said during his sleep. Ness's eyebrows raised.

"How the hell did you hear me?" Lucas stayed quiet, only responding with sleeping groans. Ness looked forward and smiled.


It didn't take much longer for Ness to make it to his house. When he got in, he didn't waste any time to take Lucas to his room. He laid Lucas on the bed. Ness started taking off all of his extra layers, leaving only a shirt and pants. He walked over to Lucas and started taking off all of his extra layers. He tossed the clothes into a bin and sat at the foot of the bed with a worn-out sigh. "Nessy?" Ness turned toward Lucas and saw him sit up as he rubbed his tired eyes.

"Luke, you're awake?" Lucas gave a large yawn.

"Did I overdo it?"

"Overdo what?" Ness asked as he patted Lucas's foot. Lucas looked down.

"Sometimes I wonder if I'm too needy."

"You're definitely needy," Ness giggled. Lucas looked back at him with his tired eyes replaced by a serious one. "But it's really not that big a deal." Lucas started rubbing his still cold hands.

"'ve done so much for me yet I haven't done much in return."

"Bullshit." Ness crawled further up the bed and laid down on Lucas's right. "You've done so much for me too." Lucas raised an eyebrow.

"I-I have?"


"What have I done for you?" Ness smiled as he turned his head over to look at Lucas.

"You let me love you, you let me be around you. That's all I have and ever will want. Seeing you smile and laugh.....and just have a good time is more than enough for me." Lucas's face blushed as he grew a smile.

"You're so damn cheesy, you know that?"

"Says the guy who went emo mode just now," Ness giggled as he moved his head closer to Lucas's.

"At least I haven't said cheesy romance stuff, that's worse." Ness planted his forehead to Lucas's.

"Can you at least say one cheesy thing?"


"I love you?" Lucas rolled his eyes. He kissed Ness's nose.

"I love you." Ness giggled happily.

"Now who's saying the cheesy romance stuff."

"Screw you." Lucas wrapped his arms around Ness and slowly closed his eyes. "You better be sleepy, cause I'm going back to sleep and you won't be able to leave me." Ness adjusted himself slightly and closed his eyes happily.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Sleep boo."

"Way to be more cheesy."

"Fuck you." Lucas giggled. He yawned and tucked himself more into Ness's body.

"Maybe....maybe you will."

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