Surviving Reality

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Hello! This story is based on Total Drama Island. I also used the Brainsteele Total Drama Island simulator to help with setting up the scenarios the characters get through. Obviously, I throw in a ton of my own stuff but hey, the simulator helped with giving me a baseline. The episodes are also there to help keep track, lord knows this isn't a "read in one go" type of story. But I hope you guys like it!


Episode 1

"Good evening everyone!!!" Tabuu spoke to the camera as he stood on the pier. "Welcome to Smash Drama Island!!!" Cue intro....after the intro Tabuu smiled into the camera as he sat back in a nice chair he had. "Today, we're waiting for our next set of campers to come in so that Dedede and I can have SOOO much fun, isn't that right, Dedede?" King Dedede chuckled next to him as he patted his big belly. Tabuu smiled and looked over into the water after hearing a horn. "Oh, looks like the first person has arrived!!"

The camera moved over to the boat as it moved over. However, it made sure to zoom into the person on the boat, a woman in a pink dress with some blonde hair. She smiled as she got off the boat and looked at Tabuu. "Welcome, you are?"

"Name's Ana." She turned toward the camera and smirked. "I'm bringing this victory home for the girls!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, hurry it up." Tabuu pushed her aside as Dedede went over to get the suitcases she had packed up. But there were so many that, as he was trying to leave the boat on the ramp leading to it, he lost his balance and fell directly into the water, making Ana gasp.

"How dare you!!!" She stomped on the wooden pier before walking over to the edge of it, leering down as her suitcases floated. "My clothes!!" Tabuu grabbed the woman and pushed her back to where she needed to wait.

"They're fine, the next boat is coming." He looked over and saw the next boat arriving. Once the other boat made his way out he was able to see who was on the new boat. It was a large mutant turtle with a very spiky shell. He crossed his arms, letting out a sigh. "People weird looking."

"Says the transparent man with a ball for a heart." Tabuu turned toward Ana, giving her a pretty big scowl. Bowser landed on the pier, carrying his own singular bag, and chuckled.

"I have arrived!!" He dropped his suitcase and flexed his arms.

"I see who your character is supposed to be." Bowser looked at him and tilted his head.


"Get over there." Bowser huffed before grabbing his suitcase and walked off. The rest of the campers came in over the next while. A short ginger boy, named Claus, who was a bit standoff-ish. When he landed he didn't even really speak to Tabuu, much less to Bowser's taunts of his stature. All he did was give him a dirty look.

The next person that came was a taller, well-toned man with black hair and red eyes. He said his name was Dark Pit. He was clearly leaning more toward the villain role for the season. He walked over and looked down at Claus, giving him a dirty look, but Claus just returned it back up to him.

The next person to come was familiar. It was a short blonde with blue eyes, named Lucas. He looked exactly like Claus. And it turned out he was his twin. When he landed, he seemed overjoyed by the prospect of being there. After waving hello to his parents through the camera, he rushed over and hugged his brother tightly.

The next two that came were oddly similar to one another, despite not being related in any way. Ness and Ninten. They even had a somewhat similar personality, both seeming pretty determined to win. However, it was obvious by the inhaler in Ninten's pocket, that he'd have a bit of issues. Dark Pit and Bowser looked at each other after seeing it. Ness simply walked over and stood next to Lucas, smiling happily at him.

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