Spin the bottle

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Claus was sitting on the couch, just watching tv. He was chilling, nothing on his mind, besides the microwave popcorn in the microwave. The bell rang for the popcorn so he jumped up and ran to it. He grabbed the popcorn, slightly burning himself, and grabbed a big metal bowl. He then poured all of the popcorn in the bowl. He smirked as he poured himself some cold Coca-cola. He looked in the freezer to make sure Lucas didn't steal his final ice cream sandwich. "Time for some fun," Claus said to himself. He grabbed his pop and his bowl of popcorn and walked back to the couch. He had the movie, Joker, paused and ready to watch. He found the remote on the ground and picked it up. He got comfortable and unpaused the movie.

"MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF SHIT FUCKING GOD DAMN IT, I HATE...AHHHH," Lucas screamed from upstairs. Claus just calmly placed the single piece of popcorn back into the bowl and paused the movie. He noticed how long he's been watching it. Only thirty seconds in. He sighed and looked in the direction of the stairs, that was a few feet behind him.

"Lucas, I swear to god if you're screaming at another ant, I will...oof, you don't even want to know," Claus says to himself. He regrettably walks up the stairs and into a small upstairs living room. There were two halls that led from this room, one to the left, and the other to the right. Both halls end with a bathroom, and each hall has three bedrooms. Lucas' room is the first room on the right in the left hall. Claus knocked on the door and soon after Lucas opened it.

"Claus, I-I need your help."

"No shit." Lucas walked back into his room and Claus followed. Lucas led him to the closet and looked at Claus as if he was supposed to know what he was looking for. "What? Something in your closet, Lucas, you're sixteen, nothing is in your closet."

"You don't know what I hear on a nightly basis..." Lucas looked into the closet and gave a small sigh. "But, that's not why I need your help."

"Well, I'm trying to watch Joker, so hurry up."

"How many times have you watched that movie?"

"103, but that's not why we're here, what do you need help with."

"You might need therapy for that...But I don't know what to wear." Claus never paid attention to what Lucas wears. He never does because he doesn't care what Lucas wears. But now that he mentions it Claus is noticing something odd about his clothing choices. He had a Hello Kitty baby blue shirt, with red shorts, crocs with socks, and a baseball cap that had the word "water" on it. Strangely enough, this isn't the weirdest thing he's worn before.

"Probably not what you're wearing now." Lucas looked down and nodded. "Where are you going anyway?"

"A party at Ness' house."

"Ah, the baseball boy, hmmm, lemme look in your closet." Claus walked into the closet. He looked around and placed his hand on something that instantly vibrated. Claus looked out of the closet and at Lucas. "Is that a dildo?"



"How do you know what a dildo feels like?"



"Ok." Claus continued his search, mainly to hide his embarrassed blush. He eventually found something. He took a shirt from the hanger and a pair of shorts from the dresser. The shirt was a simple light blue polo shirt and the shorts were jean-based. He placed it on the ground and found Lucas' normal shoes. "I don't know where you got crocs from, but well, don't, just don't." He walked over and took the hat off and Lucas' ice cream hair stuck back up. Claus chuckled. "Kinda like a bad erection." This earned him a light slap from Lucas. "Want me to cut it?" Lucas gave a faint nod and Claus led him to the closest bathroom. Claus had been training to be a barber, overall, Claus is known as the appearance guy. If someone wanted to look good, ask Claus. The school made a saying. "If you wanna look baus, as Claus." Claus put his hair down and noticed its length. He started to cut it, and after a while, his hair was rather normal length. Claus then put gel in his hands and rubbed through his hair randomly. Lucas looked into the mirror and smirked.

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