The Tales of a Lewd Lucas

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Hello there👋👋I just wanted to take some of your time to say, I MISSED MY DAMN 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF WRITING ONESHOTS!!! If you don't know, like I didn't, I published my first oneshot November 4th 2019.....and it's now November 8th 2020, so I've officially been writing these for a year. And I still love it as much as I did back then. I was initially planning to create some special for the one year anniversary, but I'd rather not rush it only for it to be late take some horny Lucas instead. Anyhow, I just wanted to say, Happy Birthday Nesscas Oneshot Haven!!!!🎂


Tale #1 - Drunken Lucas

Lucas downed another bottle of tequila before screeching, whilst all in a dinosaur onesie, loudly in the air. He, with a lot of his friends, was at a party. This party had no real reason for being, it just existed and they took advantage of it. Everyone had gotten used to Lucas's drunk side at this point. Ness was the most used to it. He was just sitting on the couch, with a solo cup full of fruit punch, watching Tom & Jerry. He was sitting next to Ninten. "You gonna get your mans?" Ninten asked as he bit into his cookie.

"First off, he ain't my mans, and second, there's no point," Ness pointed out. He looked over at Lucas, who was downing another drink, before looking back at the tv. He sipped on the punch and sighed a satisfied sigh. "He'll pass out soon enough and I'll just take him home." Lucas finished his drink. He was going to reach for another one until he saw Ness in the corner of his eyes. He hiccuped before starting toward him. Before he could even leave the kitchen he tripped on literally nothing. Ness knew this, and simply drank more of his punch. Lucas pushed himself back up and stumbled toward the couch. He stopped right behind Ness.

"Hi.." Lucas was cut off by his own burp, "Nessy." Ness sighed.


"I love you." Ninten instantly spat out the bite he took out of the cookie and looked up at Lucas. Lucas's face was red, from the alcohol, and his eyes were fuzzy.

"Uh-huh." Ness took another sip of his punch.

"Ness, he just said he loved you," Ninten said in shock that Ness wasn't more surprised. Ness looked at him.

"He always says that when he's drunk. He doesn't mean it." Ness looked into his solo cup and saw that it was empty. He stood up. "Imma get a refill." He walked into the kitchen, with Lucas following him every step of the way, and started refilling his cup. Lucas's drunken self pushed the person who was standing next to Ness, which neither boy knew, just so he could stand there.

"NESSY!!!!" Lucas yelled. Ness closed the gallon of punch before turning toward Lucas.


"I LOVE YOU!!!!!"

"You already told me that." Ness took a drink of his punch. Lucas got mad. He slapped the cup out of his hand. Ness's eyes followed the cup as it fell to the ground in slow motion.

"Awe, my punch," he disappointingly said. He looked back up at Lucas's failed angered face. Lucas was clearly trying to come off as mad but when he was drunk he was never able to pull off any other look outside of "Fuck me", especially when around Ness. "That was pretty mean, you know."

"I don't care." Lucas gave another hiccup, allowing Ness to smell Lucas's drunk breath. Ness's face cringed up before he shook his head. He turned back to the counter, grabbed another solo cup, and grabbed the gallon of punch once more. Lucas grew madder he wasn't getting the attention he wanted. He stomped the ground with a small growl that, even with Lucas being drunk, Ness found to be cute. "NESSY!!!!" Ness simply hummed as he poured some punch into his cup. "I WANT YOU INSIDE OF ME!!!!" The lot of people inside the kitchen all quieted down and looked at Ness and Lucas.

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