Taboo Love

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Today was a special day for the kingdom. The royal family from the neighboring kingdom were coming to visit. They visited quite often under the guise of trying to get their prince, Ness, in love with the princess, Paula. But there was a secret that Prince Ness was hiding from everyone. He had his eyes on someone else.

Prince Ness, with his sister and two parents, walked into the castle to meet with Paula and her two parents. Their dads greeted each other as Ness looked at Paula. "Hey there, Ness," She greeted. Ness simply raised his hand to greet her. However, in the corner of his eye, he saw someone walking around. It was the person he had eyes for. Lucas. A simple servant of the king. He was walking around with an empty tray as he entered the kitchen. Paula wrapped an arm around Ness's neck and looked up at her dad. "Dad, go on ahead, Ness and I need to catch up." Paula's dad chuckled as he ruffled her hair.

He led the other royal family away from the two teens. They walked off into another room. Once they entered, Paula let go of Ness and looked at him. "Come on, man up already."

"Ugh, as if my dad will accept it," Ness groaned as he turned away from her. Paula knew pretty early on that Ness wasn't into her. She was upset at first, but she took it in stride. During one of their visits, she saw him staring at one of her servants, Lucas. Lucas wasn't even doing anything eye-catching, just simply doing his job, yet Ness stared. Paula knew from that moment, just who Ness's heart wanted.

"Who cares about what your dad thinks."

"Everyone at my kingdom." Ness turned around slowly. "I'll be ostracized."

"Doesn't sound that bad?" Ness rolled his eyes before walking over to a seat near the front door to the castle. The castle was huge. The bulk of the room they were in was just an empty space with rooms attached to it and a staircase at the end of the room. It was a glorified hallway. Paula crossed his arms a little before turning around to see Lucas. His previously empty tray was now filled with hors d'oeuvres. "Hey, Lucas!!" Paula called out. Lucas looked over and grew a small smile. He rushed carefully over to her and bowed his head a little. The tray was still being held up in perfect balance.

"Princess, how may I help you?" Lucas asked. Ness heard the soft voice and looked over. A small blush rushed over him. Lucas was a short blond with pretty blue eyes. His skin was white as snow and his frame with lithe. His suit was very formal and clean. Paula smiled as she grabbed a hors d'oeuvre. It was a simple chocolate-coated strawberry on a toothpick. She bit it off the toothpick and let out a small noise. She stepped aside and motioned toward Ness.

"We have a guest." Lucas looked up and directly at Ness. Ness was as royal-looking as you could make someone. His prince outfit was pretty generic with a very blue color scheme. His noir black hair draped over his head and his purple eyes shined bright. Lucas walked over and moved the tray closer to him.

"Pleasure to see you again, your highness." Ness grabbed a strawberry and stood up.

"Thanks, Lucas." Lucas bowed his head a little. He turned back around to look at Paula.

"Will there be anything else, Princess?" Paula looked at Ness before motioning down to Lucas with her eyes. Ness just shrugged. Paula let out a groan.

"This dull prince here has something to tell you," she simply said. Lucas turned back around.

"Your Highness?"

"The hell–" Ness shook his head as he saw Lucas looking at him. His eyes looked so innocent and genuine. Like there was no darkness behind them. Ness was only a little taller than him, but with those piercing blue eyes, made him feel so much shorter. "W-well..." Ness took a bite out of the strawberry and let out a small hum of approval. "These are so good. Give my compliments to the chef."

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