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Ness opened his locker and grabbed his trusty baseball bat. He tossed the bat up and smirked when he caught it. He then proceeded to clean the rest of his locker out, throwing away most of what was inside it. He closed the locker and put his very light bag onto his back. He walked through the halls and used his bat as a cane. He started to hear some evil laughter. He knew it was evil laughter because he knew who these laughs belonged to. He sighed to himself and put over his shoulder and followed the laughter. He saw the backs of the two bullies. He clenched the handle of his bat and sped up. Ness tapped on one of the bullies' shoulders. He turned around and Ness slammed the handle of the bat into the bully's nose. Blood started to run from his nose. "The fuck was that for?" he asked.

"It's the last day of the damn year, back off will ya?" Ness asked. The bully stood up and pointed at him.

"You're messing with the wrong person."

"Go fuck yourself." The two bullies walked away and Ness made sure they went away. Ness looked at the boy on the ground. He knew who it was. It was Lucas, the mute kid...his mute friend. Lucas wasn't crying, he just held a straight face. Ness kneeled down and extended his arm. Lucas looked at his hand and then at Ness' face. Lucas hovered his hand over Ness' and soon allowed them to collide. Ness helped Lucas onto his feet. Ness saw a bruise on Lucas' face. "You doing alright Lucas?" Lucas shrugged. Ness bent down and grabbed Lucas' empty bag and handed it to him. "Whatcha gonna do this summer?" Lucas looked down and pulled out his phone. He then showed Ness a notepad.


Ness smirked. "Writing, not bad." He snapped his fingers and kneeled down to enter his bag. He ripped a piece of paper off a notebook and wrote his address and phone number on it. He then handed it to Lucas. Lucas then typed some more on his notepad and showed it to Ness.

Why are you giving me this?

"Well, I could read what you write." Lucas looked down and scratched the back of his neck as he wrote with one arm.

You sure?

"Course, I'm sure you could use a critic," Ness said with a smile. Lucas tilted his head and nodded. Ness patted Lucas' back and started to make way for the exit of the school. When he got to the exit he got a text from Lucas. Seeing the simple message made him smile.
Lucas: Hi
Ness: Hey, something wrong?
Lucas: No, I just needed to create a contact
Ness: Oh, well, see ya later then

Lucas stared down at his phone and tilted his head. He put his phone in his pocket and started to walk toward the exit of the school. He soon found Claus waiting for him. Claus kicked off the wall and stopped talking with his friend, Ninten. Claus grabbed Lucas' arm and saw the bruise. "Who the hell did this to you?" Claus asked. Lucas ripped his arm and just continued to walk away. Claus sighed. "Lucas, you've gotta learn to talk." Lucas shook his head and exited the school.

Lucas started to walk home. He usually takes the bus, but he decided he wanted to stay alone on his way home. He had his hands in his pockets and had headphones in his ears listening to music. He looked down and watched his feet. He tried to sigh, but his voice wouldn't let him. He doesn't know why he's mute, and he hates it. Lucas looked back up and rubbed his eyes. He soon got home and Hinawa walked to him. She kneeled down and touched his bruise. "Hun, what happened?" Hinawa asked. Lucas shook his head, but Hinawa saw the pain in Lucas' eyes. She kissed Lucas' forehead and patted his shoulder. Lucas walked away and Hinawa stood up. She turned to look at Flint in the kitchen. She walked to the dining table and pulled out a chair and sat down. "Flint?"

"Hm?" Flint hummed as he finished washing the dishes.

"You looked up what it means to be mute?" Flint nodded his head and turned off the faucet. He walked over and sat next to Hinawa. "What'd you find?"

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