Lucas Extravaganza

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Happy Birthday Lucas!! And Claus I guess. But today is my boy's birthday and so he gets a special short oneshot. Happy birthday Lucas!!


They were walking, through the long perilous streets of Ultimatum, in search of the one who sent them the letter. However, I wasn't quite done with my story. There was one thing I wasn't able to show Lucas. I am sorry. But you need to see this. You need to know this. Suddenly, Lucas fainted, but thankfully, was caught by Ness. "Lucas?"

Lucas awoke in a black void of nothingness. He felt like he was floating, looking around at the nothingness. "Hello?" Lucas's worried voice echoed throughout the darkness.

"Hello again, Lucas."

"Huh? Wh-who are you?"

"You already forgot me? Quite a shame. But that doesn't matter." Lucas tried to pinpoint the voice, but then he finally was able to. It was Maruki.

"Y-you're the therapist. Why are you doing this to me?"

"I am not doing anything. I am simply showing you what you should know. I know you don't want to be brainwashed, I know no one truly wants it. A friend showed me that. But you've already been brainwashed to think one way, Lucas. So please, allow me to show you what I need to show you. It's for your own safety."

"So you...control reality? I-I don't get it."

"I don't control reality, or at least, I'm not currently. Someone else is. I'm simply here to help you see the light."

"And why?" Lucas looked around, somehow finding his footing and planting his feet on something solid. "Why do you care? We don't know each other. We don't care about each other. Why do this?" It is true, I didn't know him before this. On the surface, I'd have no reason to be doing this, to be showing him the truth. But Joker asked me personally to help him see the light before it was too late. This reality is a confusing one. I still don't feel very comfortable doing past sins are constantly in my mind. No matter the reason, I feel like I'm betraying the people I've promised to be better. I feel like I'm spitting all over Akechi's name, he showed me the truth of my own sins. A truth I didn't want to accept, but now have. So why? Why am I truly doing this? Is it simply because I was asked by Joker? Or perhaps, I truly do care for Lucas? I don't know. Joker was a big part of it, yes. He was another person who showed me my sins and to have him request my help was a big praise. But I don't think that was the main reason. I honestly think it was Akechi. If I achieved what I wanted, giving everyone their proper happy ending, Akechi would've wanted to have his mind freed, shown the truth to allow resistance to the fake reality. I'm doing this, not for me, but for him. To show him, everyone that I betrayed, that I have changed, and take the lessons they relentlessly taught me to heart.

"Hello?" Oh, shoot, I got way into my own head I forgot about him.

"Sorry. I have my own reasons. I'm just trying to show you the truth. Will you accept it?" Lucas thought for a moment, looking down and closing his eyes, despite seeing the same thing as if he kept his eyes open.

"O-ok. Show me."

Lucas kicked a door down, storming in. His mind was focused on one thing, and one thing only. Finding the occupant of this house. But he was gone. He escaped. "Damn it." Just in case, Lucas looked around the house. He couldn't be too sure about there being any occupant, he wanted to be fully sure before leaving in search of him. He opened a door and entered the bathroom. "Guess he's not here. But he couldn't have gone far." He looked into the mirror and looked at himself. He was wearing a black hood and robe. His eyes were bloodshot red. When he saw himself, he looked down softly before shaking his head. "Soon..."

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