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There he is. Mr. big shot mountain climber. This cocky bastard rubbed the wrong person the wrong way. He's actually adorable, sleeping so peacefully. Hehe, just know, Popo.....this isn't personal. I quite frankly don't give a shade of shit about you, business is business. I lower my head down to Popo's sleeping face. "I'm sure you know how that feels." I reach into my back pocket and grab my pistol. I raise my head back up and place the barrel of the gun to Popo's forehead. "You'll give me quite the profit, really appreciated," I say. Popo opens his eyes but isn't able to get a word out before I pull the trigger and, after a single bodily reaction, Popo freezes. I pull the gun back and smirk. Some blood is streaming from the hole in Popo's head. Man, I don't even want to know what you did to rub her the wrong way.

I turn away as I place the pistol back into my back pocket. I look up and breathe out a very satisfied breath. I start chuckling. Poor poor Popo. My humblest apologies. I look back at Popo's still and bloody body. Well.....I should probably be safe. I bring the gun back out and fire a few more bullets into Popo's body. I put the gun back and chuckle some more as I see Popo's body with all those new holes. I turn back around and start walking toward the exit of the house. I exit the house, but I don't stop walking. I bring out a flip phone and dial my client. "Hello?" I ask after I hear that my client picks up.

" it done?" the young girl's voice says.

"Don't worry, he's gone." The girl--Popo's very own sister, Nana--starts laughing.

"Thank you.....t-thank you so much."

"Now now, ma'am, remember what I told you."

"Yes, yes, I won't do it, I promise."

"Good, now contact me if you have someone else, but for now...." I remove the phone from my ear and crush it in my hands. I place the broken phone in my pocket as I continue toward my work's building.

It doesn't take too long until I make it to a place called Wii Studio. I walk in and see the large yoga room with the wall made only out of glass to reflect anything that happens on the main floor. I walk over to the mirror and look directly at my reflection. I stand there for a bit before smirking. "Come on, how long are you gonna make me wait, Falcon?" With this, a hidden door shows itself and retracts into the ground. I step in and turn to my left, where good old Captain Falcon stood next to a lever. He pushes it back up and the door behind me closes. "How are you doing, good friend?"

"Boss is mad at you," he says with concern leaking his voice. He walks over to my side. "She's real scary right now."

"Oh please, when is she not scary? And plus...." I walk down the rather dark corridor, "She's always mad at me." The corridor continues until it makes it to a large metal door. I never understood why this door was ever here. It's not like it's even possible to break through that glass out there. But, I guess I can't really argue, it just ensures our safety. There's a small pedestal with the outline of a hand on the top of it next to the door. I place my hand on it and the pedestal scans my hand. The door then opens and I finally see the large busy room. The room itself looks like a police station, with each person having their own desks and constantly getting help from other "officers". The boss's room is also inspired by a police station. It's at the back end of the building, in comparison to the big ass door, and the wall to her room is mostly made of glass. She must've seen me enter because she opens the door and glares at me. She crosses her arm and pats the ground rapidly with her foot. Despite my rather fearless self, this blank white lady is scary. And I do mean blank white. She's not white as in caucasian, I mean white as in WHITE!! This bitch is somehow whiter than Casper covered in cum.

I start walking toward her, scared to let my gaze leave her tense body. I stop right in front of her and nervously chuckle. Yup, she's still taller than me by a mile and still able to crush my body with a single pinkie. Although she strangely doesn't look that strong, she's just so DAMN FIT, GODDAMN. Ahem, anyway. "Uhh, hi boss." She growls before grabbing my collar. Uh oh. She drags me into her office and slams the door shut, somehow not breaking the glass. She tosses me to the ground as she walks to sit in her desk. I stand back up. She's still glaring at me. "B-Boss?"

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