The Making Of A Killer

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Yo. I just wanna come here to say that this story has a few scenes that are rated-R, so you may skip them if you'd like. But I hope you enjoy nonetheless


I hear that annoying ass noise next to my bed. I'm already awake, and I have to listen to that stupid noise. I hate it. I hate alarm clocks with a passion. I turn around and turn it off. You may be wondering why I didn't do it earlier to prevent the noise from getting too annoying. My answer to that: shut up.

Once that noise is finally gone, I get to lay down for a bit when suddenly, and by suddenly, I mean I knew this exact thing was going to happen. There's a knock at my door. When it's not one thing, it's another. I just want to sleep in. Is that too much to ask? I groan as I get off the bed and walk over to the door, opening it up to see Ren. "Oh, L-Lucas, you know you're-"

"Naked? Yeah, I know."

"Uh...r-right. Ahem, we're expected at the dining hall."

"Yes, I'm well aware."

"Just wanted to remind you. Now...don't appear naked."

"Bite me." I close the door and sigh. I'm not a morning person at all. I'm always a bit grumpy in the morning. But I guess I should explain. I'm currently at a nice fancy hotel called Smash Hall. It's very high-end and expensive. Like it's seriously fancy. Each toilet had a bidet. If bidets are not the epitome of fanciness, then I don't know what is. Speaking of bidets....

I enter the bathroom and look at my lovely toilet. I've never had feelings for an inanimate object, but this toilet...boy oh boy. I walk over to it and sit on it. I don't have to use the bathroom or anything, I just....oooo yeah~.

Ahem, anyway, I need to get changed. As much as I like flaunting my penis, I kinda need to wear clothes. I put on my trademarked striped shirt and jean shorts. I look into the mirror and begin to style my hair. I've long since gotten rid of that childish style I had, but hey, nothing is wrong with styling your hair anyway. I don't have much hair, so by "styling", I'm simply brushing my hair out of my eyes. After taking a long look at my get-up, I decide it's fine enough and leave my room.

My room is on the first floor, and relatively close to the foyer. This is a very tall hotel, I don't even know how many floors are in this hotel, but it's enough for me to not care. The foyer is pretty nice. It has this sense of wealth, that if I'm in here it means I'm a wealthy man. I locate the sign for the dining hall and walk to it. Daisy bows her head. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course, Daisy." As I enter the dining hall, I see Daisy run past me and to a new post. It's quite weird, honestly. This is a pretty fancy-schmancy hotel, and they don't have the budget to hire more than 5 workers. At least I've only ever seen 5: Daisy, Ren, ROB, Sephiroth, and strangely someone named Goro. The only Goro I know has four arms, and this Goro doesn't. Quite a shame, honestly. I can imagine Goro would be amazing in bed, being able to pin your arms AND legs down without the need for any type of rope. Whatever. Poor Goro here.

"Your table is waiting for you, sir."

"Yup yup." The same old same old. If you couldn't tell, I do this about every day. Same old morning schedule. Gets to be a bit repetitive at times. My table is a very special color, compared to the rest. Each table in the dining hall has this neat white table covering, I dunno what they're called, with always empty and clean bowls and plates. Strangely no cups, however. My table has a black covering. And when I come in here, there's always food on the plate for me, before I even need to order. I don't bother to really change it cause it's pretty good, and it just saves me time. I'm all about time-saving. The food I always have is an omelet. They're my favorite food, truly a magnificent specimen of consumption, if I say so myself. When I'm about halfway through it, someone walks up to me. This is different, but I like it.

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