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She can't have him, she can't take him from me. Not now, not ever. And if I need to deal with her myself...I will. I walked over to her kitchen. I grabbed a knife and made my way to the stairs. I quietly walked up to them and saw the light was on in her room. I lightly opened the door and glared at her as she was watching youtube. Her phone rang, and I decided to sit and listen in on it. She picked it up. "Paula, do you know what time it is?" she asked. "I know but...listen...calm the fuck down. I'm sorry Ness is ignoring you, I am, but what do you want me to do about it, he hates me." Damn right I do. I'm sorry Popo...but you'll have to say bye to your beloved sister. Nana sighed and hung up the phone. I took this chance to walk up behind her. She finally noticed me and turned around. "Ne-" I covered her mouth with my hand and lowered my head.

"You're never going to take him from me, Lucas is mine," I said. I stabbed her side and she instantly spat up blood onto my palm. I ripped the knife out and shoved it through her throat. I ripped it out again and let go of her. She fell forward. I looked down and giggled. I stabbed the back of her head. "Say hi to the devil for me bitch." I ripped the knife out and walked to the window. I opened it and jumped out. I looked up at the open window and took off my bloody gloves. I placed them in my pocket. I then undressed and wore my shirt and shorts inside out. I then walked home. Before entering the house I double-checked the knife in my back pocket. I knocked on the door and soon Tracy opened it. She crossed her arms.

"The hell you doing out so damn late?" Tracy asked. "I was forced to be out here waiting for your ass." I sighed.

"Sorry Trace, I was out with a friend." Tracy shook her head and noticed something odd about my outfit.

"You're wearing your clothes inside out...again." I looked down.

"Damn it."

"Were you drinking?"

"Um...maybe, don't tell mom."

"I don't give enough shits to tell her. I'm going to bed." Tracy walked off. I chuckled a bit and closed the door. I walked toward my room. When I entered I let out a breath of fresh air. I closed the door and walked toward my closet. There was my picture of Lucas. My lovely Lucas. His childish, ice cream hair. His ocean blue eyes. His everything, every part of his body...belongs to me. I kissed his picture and placed the knife next to my other knife. My practice knife, both of which are covered in dry blood. I took off my clothes and noticed I had blood over my body.

"Damn it." I walked into my bathroom and took my shower. After my shower, I reached underneath my bed to a small box. I opened the box to find Lucas's Baseball protective cup. The one he puts around his wonder crotch while we play Baseball. I grabbed it and sniffed. I placed it back and grabbed my phone. I dialed his number. "Hey, Lucas."

"Hey, Ness, what do you-" Lucas interrupted himself with a yawn. " What do you want?"

"I hope I'm not intruding."

"Other than the fact it's midnight, no, not at all."

"Good, I was wondering."


"After our game if we could go somewhere? Like a movie or something?"

"Hmm sure, but could we talk about it tomorrow. I'm kinda tired."

"Ok, night cutie."

"I thought you said you were gonna stop calling me that."

"I just like making you blush."

"I-I'm not blushing."

"Sure, so if I had a hidden camera in your room I wouldn't see you blushing?"

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