The Omega

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If you know the reference behind this whole story then I dunno if I should be proud because that means we both are dirty dirty bastards. This also gets quite R-rated soooo, be careful. If you think I should stop being so R-rated don't hesitate to tell me. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy.

The entire class of 2-C was told to gather inside the gymnasium. Every day, for the past few weeks, each class would get their affinity checked. Affinities only start to pop up when kids are around the ages of a second year, so 15-17. The need to know someone's affinity is important, for it leads to the knowledge of certain things that affects a person. The class consisted of 22 students, all of which were 16, with Villager being the youngest since he just turned 16. All of them were sitting in the bleachers as the speaker was preparing.

Ness yawned and leaned back, putting his head against the bleacher behind him. "This is boring," Ness complained. Lucas crossed his feet and just looked at Ness.

"Beats being in Algebra," Lucas pointed out. Ness gave an exaggerated groan. Lucas sighed and jabbed Ness's gut. Ness shot up and grabbed Lucas's hand.

"WHAT DID I SAY LAST TIME!!" Lucas giggled and ripped his hand from Ness's grip. Ness grinned as he started to playfully and lightly jab Lucas's gut, making Lucas give giggle after giggle. It was less of jabs and more as simple tickling. Toon Link, Lucas's best friend, rolled his eyes.

"You guys, seriously, right here. If you're gonna fuck, at least do it in the bathroom," Toon Link said, annoyed because Lucas was forced to lean on Toon Link due to the tickles from Ness. Ness stopped the tickling and scoffed at him.

"Party pooper." Lucas gave a few tired giggles as he recovered from the attack. That was when they heard someone tapping on a microphone. Everyone looked down at the speaker. There were five booths that were going to be used to check on them. The lead speaker was someone Lucas knew. It was his doctor, Dr. Mario. Dr. Mario cleared his throat.

"Hello, class 2-C. My name is Mario Mario, but you can just call me Doc. Anyhow, we are here to check on your affinities. Can anyone tell me all four affinities?" Dr. Mario asked. The goody-two-shoes of the class, Jeff, raised his hand. Dr. Mario called on him. Jeff stood up.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega, and Delta," Jeff said without any hesitation.

"Correct, now you shouldn't know what each has in store, but that is where we come in. We'll just speak about public things, but when we reveal your specific affinity we'll go into more private detail. Alright, if you're Alpha, then you have the capability of impregnating people. However, Alphas are known to have quite violent mood swings. Omegas are the people who are capable of being impregnated. Omegas are known to be quite one-minded and can significantly have their emotions control them. Betas are people who are calmer and more down to earth. They are also able to be both impregnated and do the impregnating. Deltas aren't capable of anything dealing with impregnation. However, they have a higher chance of being smart what you will with that information." Ness crossed his arms.

"I don't get why the need to tell us this shit," Ness complained. Lucas shrugged.

"I just hope I'm not a Delta," Lucas said, sitting back.

"No way you're a Delta, you're not smart." Lucas shot his head toward Ness, who seriously meant what he said.

"WHAT, I SO AM SMART!!" Ness just gave Lucas a straight and unamused face.

"What's 25 times 2?"

"Umm..." Lucas looked down at his hands and started counting in his head.

"Carry the one...." he said to himself. Within a few more seconds he turned back to Ness. "It's 50."

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