The Popularity Tunnel

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The red carpet was a sight many wished to see. The long tunnel that the carpet made between fans with their flashing cameras seemed much longer than it actually was. Mainly for the fact that, if someone is walking down this popularity tunnel, they would need to greet their fans if they wish for any good PR. This was what Lucas hated most. He hated greeting his fans. Being the person he was, he mainly had female fans. And pretty much only female fans ever came to events where he would be at. He was about to go down the popularity tunnel.

Lucas sat in his car, hesitant to step onto the carpet. Lucas's designated driver looked back at him. "Sir, we can't wait any longer," he said. He was right. Lucas couldn't wait any longer. He was sitting in his car for half an hour, causing a bit of traffic behind him from all the other cars that had come. He also obviously made the fans annoyed, but they were still blinded by the possibility of seeing him. Lucas sighed.

"I know, I know." Lucas looked out of the car's window and saw the tunnel that led into the large building and thus the large grouping of celebrities like him. He took in a long deep breath before letting it calmly out. He put on his fake smile before stepping out. Before he even got his foot out, the annoying shrieking started. This was what he hated about female fans. Their noise. Their obsession. He stood at the foot of the tunnel and looked around at his fans, all of them shrieking.

I guess I've gotta see them.

He walked over to a random fan on his left and took a picture with them, ensuring to keep up a fake smile. He needed to fake so many smiles at this point that his fake smile and real smile had pretty much no discernible difference. After greeting a few fans after the picture, he walked over to the right side of the tunnel and did pretty much the same with more of the annoying fans. He went to the left, did some more. When he was going back to the right, he saw something that actually caught his eye. It was someone not freaking out. Someone not obsessed. Just someone happy to see their favorite celebrity. A male fan. All of those put together made Lucas walk toward him.

He made it toward the boy. "Hey there," Lucas gently said. The boy contained a shriek. A massive blush being plastered on his face almost instantly. He then held an action figure of Lucas toward him.

"C-can I get your autograph?" he asked. He had a relatively deep voice, especially compared to everyone around him. Lucas took the action figure and brought out a pen that he always had on him.

"Who do I make it out to?"


"Ness...." Lucas grew a smile as he looked at the boy. This smile wasn't fake. He liked that name. Granted, he liked the fact he had a male fan here period, but his name and his voice comforted Lucas. Not to mention his eyes were strangely shimmering. The purple, the shimmering, both reminded Lucas of space. Ness, with his space eyes, kept a keen eye on Lucas as he wrote awkwardly on the action figure. Lucas then handed the figure back. "I hope to see you again," he said with a wink before continuing on. Lucas was genuine in that remark. He rarely was genuine when he said things like that, even to male fans. Something about Ness struck a chord with him.

He wasn't able to think about him for much longer, since his manager ran up to him. "Hey, reporters are here," she said. He looked toward the left and saw the cameraman and the young lady doing the interviewing. His manager knew he hated news coverage, but as a celebrity, that's what was needed. Lucas simply nodded. "Good, I'll see you inside," she said with a pat on the back then ran inside the gala.

Ness ran through the crowd of screaming girls with his signed figure. He was so happy. He didn't care for all the girls he bumped into, he didn't care for the possibility of looking like a fool, he really didn't care. He just really loved the fact he had his favorite celebrity sign something of his. He was able to get out of the wave of fans, but then only crashed into the worst possible person to crash into at that time. Porky. He landed on the ground and looked up at Porky's evil eyes. "P-Porky?" Ness shot back onto his feet and hid the action figure behind his back.

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