The Expensive Boy

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In the small, dark, and cold room a teenager was laying on his bed. It wasn't much of a bed, in fact, it's not a bed at all. It's just metal. But the teenager is used to it. He's been stuck in it for years, he's been stuck for so long that he has no memory of what life used to be like before he got here. All he remembers is walking through the town with Claus. Something crashed into the back of his head, putting him unconscious. Whoever was keeping Lucas in that room chose to feed him. Lucas wasn't fed too much, but enough to survive.

Lucas wakes up. He had no blanket, no pillow, nothing. Lucas sits up, his bareback against the wall, and rubs his tired eyes. They never gave Lucas clothes, but at the same time, no one ever saw him. He's been in this room alone, with no one but the two hands that pop into the room to give him his plate of greens. Lucas had gotten into such a habit that he knows exactly when the hands pop in without directly knowing the time of day.

"5..." Lucas says under his breath. He stands up and scratches his wrist. "4..." Lucas starts to walk to the dark metal door. "3..." Lucas makes it to the door. The door had no opening to allow someone to look in or for Lucas to look out of. "2..." Lucas looks down. There was a small flap that could only open from the other side of the room. This flap opens. "1..." Something too big for the flap gets pushed into the room. Lucas looks at it, noticing that it's not food. It's clothes.

"Put them on, and quick," a voice from outside says. Lucas nods to himself and puts the clothes on. While putting them on, Lucas noticed the outfit was a tuxedo. They were dressing him up. Lucas kneels down to put on the dress shoes. They're not his type of shoe, but he doesn't have many other choices. He stands up.

"Ok..." A few seconds later and the door opens. Lucas saw a rough-looking man. A man with a large eye patch over his left eye and very messy brown hair. The man just looks at Lucas. He chuckles to himself and turns down the hall.

"Follow me." He walks off, knowing full well that Lucas will follow. Lucas exits the room but looks in the opposite direction in the hall. He saw more darkness and more doors that probably leads to more people. He shakes his head and follows the man. They turn a corner and see light in the far distance. Lucas hasn't seen light in a while, and so the light was blinding him. They soon make it to the stairs at the bottom of the light. Both of them stop walking. Lucas covers his eyes from the blinding light. A few minutes pass. "You fine?"

"Yea." The man nods and walks into the light. Lucas follows. They enter the circular room. Lucas sees a large door in front of him. He looks up and sees that the upper part of the room's wall was all glass. There were people looking down at him, with judging faces. A few of the faces start whispering to each other. Lucas's eyes stop at a rather young woman. She has blonde hair and a red blouse. She seems apologetic about the situation Lucas is in. The man grabs Lucas's arm and holds it up, showing a small number at the base of his wrist. 1342. Right next to the number was a price. $200.

"Here we have Lucas Hayes. He's a sixteen-year-old boy, he's been with us since he was three, so you can be sure he's raised to perfection. The starting bid is $200." Right as he finishes, a small buzz chimes through the room.

"$5,000," a small, young voice came. Lucas looks up and sees that it was the blonde woman who gave the large bid. She gives a smile, this smile sends a wave of warmth through his body. Another buzz chimes before the man could open his mouth.

"$100,000," A rough man says as he glares at the woman. The woman growls and chimes her buzz.

"$1 million." The man jumps back. A long moment of silence stays there until the man that brought Lucas speaks.

"Well, it looks like Caron Fawkes wins the bid. Please come down and collect him," he says. Carol nods and rushes down. The large doors open and Carol rushes in. She stops in front of Lucas. She kneels down and unlocks the ankle cuffs that Lucas never noticed he had. Carol stands up and smiles at Lucas. "Now hurry, we need to bring the next thing in." Carol grabs Lucas's arm and walks him through the doors. They take a right and walk up a load of stairs. They soon exit the dark building and enter a pleasant looking neighborhood. Lucas grins at the sight of grass and the blue sky. They don't stop walking, however, they soon make it to a car. The car wasn't too extravagant, especially for someone who just spent one million dollars.

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