Protect the boy

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The door to Lucas's house slammed shut as he walked over and fell onto his couch. He groaned loudly before turning the tv on. It was the news. It was talking about how crime was rising in the city of Ultimatum. The news reporter was going on and on about something dealing with the story, but Lucas wasn't really paying attention. He soon heard his stomach growl, so he groaned even louder. "Damn food. Why do I need to be hungry?" He stood up and walked over to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and a small carton of milk fell out. It was a tall rectangular box. It was not the normal gallon of milk.

Lucas picked it up and twisted it around, seeing a small ad for a missing kid. "What is this, the 80's?" Lucas put the milk aside and grabbed some bacon. He loved bacon. He started cooking it when there was a knock at his door. He groaned once more before walking over and seeing that an envelope had slid into his house. He opened the door, looking around to not see anything or anyone. "Weird." He closed the door and saw that the envelope was for him, with his name on it and a strange logo...a circle with a cross slash in it. He walked back to the kitchen and cut the envelope open. Inside it was a note. He took it out and saw that the writing was a bit sloppy.

Lucas. Come to Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. There's something you need to do.

Lucas put the note on the counter and read it over a few times before bringing out his phone to call Ness. "Hey, Ness...could you do something for me?"


"So, this is the place?" Ness asked. Lucas looked down at the note he received. It was rigid and the writer had very poor handwriting. Lucas put the note in his pocket.

"Yup. Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex," Lucas said as he looked up at the huge sign over the entrance to the mall. He looked back at Ness.

"So, you did the research like I asked?"

"Yeah. Apparently, his place has been here for years."

"B....But I've never seen or heard of this place."

"Wait wait, this gets better...or worse depending on how you see it." Lucas crossed his arms. "Kids have been going missing in there."


"Yeah, based on my research it seems like dozens upon dozens upon dozens of kids have gone missing in this place alone."

"How have I never heard of this place?" Ness shrugged.

"My question is why were we told to go here. And who made the note?" Lucas stepped forward and tried to push the doors open, but sure enough, they were locked.

"Well, whatever we were called here to do, we'd need to break in." Ness stepped back and thought for a moment.

"Maybe....maybe there's a kid in there we need to save?"

"We're not heroes, Ness. We're employees at a grocery store."

"I know that! B-but...that doesn't mean we can't also be heroes." Lucas looked down at his feet for a moment before sighing. He loved his job as a bagger, he truly did. But he always felt like there was more to life than bagging. More to life than the city they lived in.

"Ok. But we need to be careful. We don't need the police to come."

"Right." Lucas tilted his head as he scanned the place at a very basic level.

"This place seems big. Which means there has to be a fire exit at the roof, right?"

"Yeah, but how're we going to get all the way up there?" Lucas looked around the area and saw a pretty tall parking building on the other side of the road as the Pizzaplex. Ness could already tell the idea in Lucas's head. "No. You're crazy. We're not doing that!"

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