Birthday Special

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YEEEAAA, today is my birthday and what better way to celebrate it than a story about the characters who allowed me to be alive long enough to have a 17th birthday. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this's my new longest, I believe...hehe sorry.

13 hours until the party

Ultimatum is a large city, larger than some countries. There were a few things that made this city what it was. The Mall. The biggest mall in the country. The Ultimall--as it was called--wasn't the only thing that made Ultimatum stick out. It was their prestigious school. Smash High. The school wasn't prestigious because of grades or sports, mainly for the dedication of diversity of its students. It was also known as the hardest school to get into, having no real pattern to the students they accept.

Something new that Ultimatum has done was creating what was called "Smash Mansion" where a very select group of people living in Ultimatum are chosen to "represent" their backgrounds in fighting tournaments held once a year. This mansion worked with the school for the fact that there were a few reps who were also in school. The Mansion doubled as the fighting headquarters and the living quarters for any reps.

The mansion was massive. There were 100 bedrooms--with most being full--and any room considered a necessity, along with some quality of life rooms. There was a kitchen, dining room, auditorium, various living rooms, training room, garden, pool, gym, campsite, various bathrooms, various storage spaces, a nurse's office, a path to the school, and the main attraction: the stadium.

The layout of the mansion was a bit odd. Other than the small foyer upon entering, the bedrooms run along the sides of the mansion. The mansion was a rectangle. There were also four hallways that connect the four sides of bedroom hallways to one room located in the middle of the mansion, the main living space. There were various rooms in these connecting halls. All of them had bathrooms and storage rooms, and all but one--the eastern hall--had a smaller living room. The northern hall--the back hall--had the training room and the pool. The southern hall--the front hall--had the auditorium and the path toward the school. The eastern hall--the right hall--had the kitchen, dining room, and the gym. The western hall--the left hall--had the nurse's office and the entrance to the Stadium. There was also another room in the front hall which could be seen as a sort of "Principal's office" where the curator of the Smash Mansion--Master Hand--stayed.

In this room was also a loudspeaker that went through the entire mansion. Ness decided to take full advantage of this loudspeaker. He was able to sneak into the room at 9 a.m. The room had a massive bed for Master Hand, who was sleeping, but Ness didn't need to go that far into the room. He just needed to walk a few feet past the counter where the loudspeaker was. He picked the small cubed device that had a small button at the top. Ness cleared his throat then clicked it. "WAKE Y'ALL ASSES UP OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL SHOVE MY BAT SO FAR UP YOUR ASS YOU'LL BE SHITTING PIECES OF IT FOR A WHOLE DAMN YEAR!!...Go to the auditorium, thank you," Ness said. He turned the device off and turned to where Master Hand now floated. Despite not having a face Ness knew he was pissed off. Ness nervously laughed. "Sorry." Before Master Hand could do anything, Ness rushed out of the room.

He waited in the auditorium for the rest of the fighters to get in. And soon, almost everyone was in. Everyone but Lucas. The fighters were all in the seats, with Ness being the only one standing on the stage. He looked at everyone and cleared his throat. "Alrighty, how are all of your mornings?" Ness smirked. Ganondorf growled. He shot up.

"YOU STUPID KID, I NEED MY DAMN BEAUTY SLEEP. LOOK AT THE DAMN BAGS IN MY EYES!!" Ganondorf yelled. Bowser, who sat next to him, stood up and put his hand on Ganodorf's shoulder.

"Remember what happened the last time you messed with a kid..." Bowser brought up. Ganondorf looked around and saw Kirby in the front giving him a surprisingly terrifying death stare while "cracking" his nubby hands. Ganondorf grew nervous then cleared his throat.

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