Now and Forever

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I was thinking about having this be a full-blown story, but I'm not sure. So I wrote this one-shot to see how well received it is. Many plot points will only be answered if it is a full story, but I made it so that you'd still be able to hopefully enjoy a more shortened down version of it. Please enjoy, I basically wrote this in one go without brakes so I'm tired and I'm boutta go to sleep. I'm tired AF.


I'm a rather special boy. The reason being is that I am the youngest knight. All the other knights are over the age, but I'm rather a good distance from that age. Today was a more special day than normal. We've been at war with a nearby kingdom call Fourside. This kingdom is called Onett. There have been some rumors about the prince, who rarely shows his face, needing a royal guard. Today was the supposed day he finds it. Me and the other knights were called to HQ. Our leader named Ninten was rather young too. Not as young as me, but he is older than 18 at least. He says that at least, his father was the old leader until he was slain in a battle we call, the Drago Battle. Ninten has been a tough leader since his father died hence handing the torch to him. Ninten crossed his hands. He overlooked us as we lined up in two small groups. "All right, listen to me, the king and queen will be here to choose a royal knight to protect prince Lucas. When they do, use each other to train, show them why you should be picked," Ninten said. He then stomped his foot and used his right arm to reach diagonally to his left shoulder. "It is an honor to serve the king and queen, all of you should be proud to be given the chance." We copied that notion. That's when he walked out, but we stayed put.

A skill you need to inherit to be a good soldier is patience. More often than not you wait. Not fully aware of who, or what you're waiting for. This is one of the only times we know who we're waiting for. One wrong move, and BOOM, you're SOL. You also need a memory like an elephant's. All the terms you need to know. SOS, AWOL, SOL (Which I created, but my crew decided to inherit), MIA, WIA, POW, KIA. That last one hurts the most. It's the least used but does the most damage. I've lost many friends in my last battle. The last battle was massive. It took place in a Kingdom that hung between us. That Kingdom is forever ruined but unlike the kingdom of Fourside, we go and help them recover. There were about 10 MIA, 7 POW, 100 WIA, and sadly 397 KIA. I was either lucky or skilled enough to scape by without injuries. But within those 397, they were friends, friends I considered family. But I can't really be all that sad. We all chose to join the forces called Onett's Onimpotent Defenders. We all joined with the full knowledge of the possibility of death, of PTSD being a possible outcome. We all know someone who has been through shell-shocked symptoms. We shorten that to SSS or Triple S.

People often think how. How do we keep a straight face? How do we not get bored standing still? How do you keep level-headed during battle? There is one answer to all three questions. We are all beat down, trained to almost hide all human emotions. To keep all human nature in the back, making the battle, or job the priority. People who don't let it be the priority often lead to them being MIA, WIA, KIA, or POW. And therefore we blame them for not being too focused. But we still miss them, and not all people who are KIA, or anything related, is because of their lack of prioritizing. Often it's because they were in the wrong place, at the wrong time. The more you're able to keep a straight mind, a stable and balanced mind, the more you'll be able to lose track of time. To the general public, losing track of time is bad, you lose time to do other things. But for us, we lose more time to worry about the war. We have been standing in this room for five hours, but to us, it only felt like half an hour. None of us moved, felt hungry, got thirsty, felt the need for the bathroom's uses. Our leader, which we call him by colonel Ninten, is someone who holds loads of secrets. We all know he has secrets but no one knows them in-depth. Theories come out, but he quickly calls them Conspiracies. Sometimes I wonder what people in public power think. All of them have conspiracies. Even poor Prince Lucas who hasn't even showed his face to the public since his birthday last year. Those are the only times when he shows his face. Theories about why he doesn't show his face are abundant. I would even say more than abundant.

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