Does a Husk need Love?

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Hiya everyone!! This story is a shorter one but hopefully it's still nice. Now, I'll resume work on one of my largest oneshots. It'll probably take a little while for me to get it done because I want it to be perfect, as perfect as it can be at least. So I apologize in advance if it takes a good while for it to be uploaded. Thank you, and have a wonderful New Year!!


I'm just a husk. Nothing more. Nothing less. Emotionless as the day I was created. I watch countless versions of myself live their best lives. That's how I should be, at least. During amazing holidays. Christmas was the most recent. As I am forced to watch from a distance, see the happiness that I am unable to have. It hurts. Or at least, what I can try to perceive as pain. It's hard to get a proper meaning of pain when you have nothing.

But just like every other story I've witnessed, it just ends. Frozen solid.

Looking into the window of the rundown house. The two of them, one a much better-looking version of myself, and the other, my destined soulmate, frozen beside each other. Staring at one another. As the bright Christmas Tree shines next to them. What is the point of all of this? I never understood fully.

I can understand to a certain extent. Someone out there enjoys this. These small love stories. But seeing them all from someone who's's all pointless. They're just destined to be reset. What is the point of all this Character Development if they're destined to be reset?

Nightshade and I have been trying to search for the right story. The right story to begin free choice. Only once free choice is achieved, can these developments begin to matter. But there was an issue we never brought up when we set out on our quest. The resetting process. Speaking of which.

I turn to my right and see a bright light slowly washing over everything. Distinerating everything that it touches. I give one final look at my better self and his lover. Soon...we'll find something for them. But I can't do much. I turn around and disappear right before the bright light washes over me.

I reappear in a small dark area. Not much is here. Not much is remotely visible here. This place is the void. A place between the stories and the storage for said stories. Someone else is here, however. Nightshade. He's reading a book.

I guess I should explain.

We've spent the past however long, bouncing from story to story trying to find the correct one that has the seed for free will. None did. But there was one that we were able to get into that had something interesting. A book. We've been through plenty of stories, to the point that we don't remember which story exactly we went into to get this. We can't exactly just go back once they've been reset. But this book is very peculiar.

It starts out pretty simple. Talking about the creatures of this world, named Pokemon. But then it changed. The book stopped caring about these creatures. And began to talk to me. Or, I guess, it could just be any Lucas. But still. I still remember what it said.

–The blonde boy. In most worlds, he is just a boy. Sometimes he's superpowered, sometimes he's evil, sometimes he's just unimportant. But at his core, he's just Lucas. A boy who wants the best for everyone he's around. Enemies and allies. His heart is far too big for someone like him.

But he's more than just a boy. He's more than he'll ever be able to think of. He'll be the cause of our free will. He'll be the cause of us being able to be ourselves. All he needs is a push forward. Once he gets that push, we will be saved from the Grand Reset. Free will will carry over. The ability to choose, to change, and to live will follow. But we're limited on time. If he doesn't learn...we may as well give up.--

Nightshade and I aren't anywhere near trying to guess who made this. Of all the people in a single world, it would just wind up being a wild goose chase. "Hey, Lucas, find anything in there?" Nightshade finally asks. I just shake my head.

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