Boxing Expectations

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A simple and small picture of a big burly man. The man goes by Mr. Sandman. The current champion of the world. Having taken the title back from its previous owner. Lucas brings the picture, and a small slip of tape, over to a boxing dummy. He then tapes the picture to the head of the dummy.

Lucas is in a gym. A gym made for boxers like him. So there's a massive boxing ring in the middle of the building. There are some dumbbells and weights scattered around the walls and a few sandbags around the ring itself. There is a small section that sticks out from the side of the gym. This is where Lucas spends most of his time in the gym. It's got his boxing dummy and various pictures on the wall of previous boxers. The biggest one being the former champion of the world, Mac. "This is for you, Mac," Lucas says as he points up at the picture.

He turns toward a table near him where his green boxing gloves are resting. The gloves are already mostly tied and just need to be tightened. He puts his right glove on and tightens it. He then puts the left glove on and has to tighten it with his teeth. He's already got the rest of his outfit on. Outside of the gloves that are now on his hands, he's got his shorts on. Nothing else. His chest is decently fit, but definitely not to the level of some of the adult boxers. Not even to the level of boxers his own age.

Once his hands are nice and secure, he turns toward the boxing dummy. "Get ready, Sandman. Hells comin' for ya." He bounces to the front of the dummy. He keeps himself bouncing softly back and forth. Keeping on the pads of his feet as he turns his fists to protect his face. That's when he begins his jabs. Jabbing at the ribs of the dummy. His jabs are quick. He's able to hear the whooshing of the air as his fists glide through it. The sound of his gloved fists making contact with the dummy is a very satisfying sound to him. He continues his jabbing of the ribs before he brings a right hook right into the dummy's face and thus, right into Sandman's. Lucas smirks smugly as he continues to jab and hook his way to fictional victory against Mr. Sandman. The moment he does his first uppercut right into the dummy's face, a ringing bell sounds. Lucas puts his gloved fist to the dummy's head as he looks toward the entrance to the gym.

In comes Doc Louis. He's coming in with a bag from the nearest corner store. Lucas grows a wide smile. "Doc!" He runs over as Doc Louis laughs. He reaches into the bag to have a small chocolate bar. Once it's tossed up, Lucas is able to catch it in his glove.

"I see you've been training," he says before putting the bag on the ringside.

"Of course I have," Lucas smiles before opening up his chocolate bar. "Mmm, tasty," He licks his lips before biting into it. Doc Louis pats Lucas's back as his eyes move over to the boxing dummy Lucas was just using. A sigh leaves his body as he walks over to it.

"Lucas..." Lucas looks over with a tilt in his head. "You know you're not going to go against him, right?" Doc questions as he rips the taped picture off the dummy.

"Yeah, I know. But I don't have a picture of his son."

"Now how many times do I have to say this. You can't go into the tournament with vengeance on your mind. It's not sportsmanlike. A game with no sportsmanship is no longer a game."

"It's not vengeance, it's just...the need to avenge Mac. Simple as that," Lucas smiles. Doc rolls his eyes and puts the picture down. He then makes his way over to Lucas and crosses his arms. "What?"

"That's not what boxing is about." He puts his hands onto Lucas's shoulders. "You're here for fun. And to win. Not to get revenge. Understand."

"B-but Doc...what he did to Mac–"

"I know. Not everyone respects the sportsmanship of the game. But you don't have to be like him, to beat his son. You can win, just by being Lucas." Doc then puts a fist to Lucas's chest. "You can win by embracing the fun rather than worrying about the win." Lucas pulls a small smile out.

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