A royal connection

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WOOOHOOOOO I make my triumphant return. I will not go over what the hell happened for the past however long, but just now that I have been trying to write. Only recently have I finally gotten back into my writing mojo. I actually wanted to write three oneshots before posting a single one but eh, I'll get to those other two. Imma be back on schedule starting next week so think of this as my return!! And FYI, this is a pretty lengthy oneshot. Wanted it to be worth the wait so hopefully it is. Thank you thank you to those who have waited. And thank you in advance for reading.


A kingdom, by the name of Ultimatum, was run by a royal family. The king was seen as one of the most respected kings in Ultimatum history. The King, named Flint, had two sons. Two princes. Lucas and Claus. Claus was the heir to the throne. Lucas wasn't expected. But he was welcomed. Claus and Lucas, one a to-be-king, and the other a forever prince had secrets. They were expected to marry girls. But, neither of them wanted to. But their parents didn't know this. And they were scared to tell him.

Lucas was lying in his big bed, half of his body off the bed, dead asleep. His snoring was soft and quiet. There was a knock at his door, but of course, him being asleep, he didn't hear it. The knocking continued despite the lack of any reaction from the sleeping boy. Not even a slight groan or finger movement in reaction. That was when the door to his room exploded open so hard the actual door flew to the other side of the room, and yet, Lucas was still asleep. Their butler, named Falcon, walked over to the bed and cleared his voice loudly. "Sir?" Lucas snored only louder in his response. Falcon looked around to make sure he was alone with him before ever so slightly pushing him off.

Lucas woke up as soon as he hit the ground and stood up in a daze. He looked around. "WHO'S THERE!"

"Sir, it's time to wake up." Lucas's eyes stopped on Falcon before he rubbed the blurriness out of them.

"Oh, Captain, wassup." Captain was the name Lucas liked calling him. Sometimes he'd even call him Captain Falcon. Lucas claimed it was because Falcon was the head butler. Which he was, but it still never made sense to him why he was called Captain.

"Your father requests your presence." Lucas's face dropped as his previous excitement disappeared in an instant.

"About my to-be-wife?"

"You are 18, sir. It makes sense."

"Y-yeah, it does." Lucas nervously giggled before clearing his throat. "W-well, let's head out there, Captain." Falcon backed up and motioned for the door.

"After you sir." Lucas nodded before getting out of bed, changing from his pajamas to his more royal attire. It was a typical princely attire. Red and white with hints of silver. He put on a small crown, it was truly small. He checked himself out in the mirror and smirked.

"Not bad at all." He snapped his fingers into finger guns and "shot" himself through the mirror. He shook his head before leaving the room. Falcon closed the door behind them and followed Lucas as he walked through the halls of the castle and into the throne room. It was a pretty sizable throne with a red carpet leading from the door to the actual throne. Or rather, thrones. There were four thrones. One for each member of the family. With the bigger and more extravagant being for Flint. And the smaller ones, being basically just updated chairs, for the two boys. Claus was sitting in his seat, crossing his arms as he looked at his brother.

"About time you're awake," Claus said with his stoic yet obviously judgemental voice. Lucas rolled his eyes as he walked over and sat in his chair, which was separated from Claus's by their parents' thrones. Hinawa, who was sitting next to Lucas, turned to look at him. She had her normal soft smile on her face.

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