Catching a First Pokemon

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Today was the day for Lucas. The time for a brand new branch of his life. He'd spent years trying to get into Red's Pokemon Academy. A large school to train upcoming Pokemon Trainers and to organize Pokemon adventures. Lucas got off the plane in the Sinnoh Region and stared in awe at the distant Mt. Coronet. It was a landmark, not just for the Sinnoh region, but for the world.

Lucas opened a pamphlet and read up on the mountain. He read as his brother left the plane with a few of Lucas's bags. "Claus, did you know, there are rumors of Lord Arceus being up there?"

"Oh really?" Claus questioned with a monotone voice. He didn't really care. He wasn't interested in becoming a Pokemon Trainer. He was fine with being home and doing menial jobs with his partner.

"Yeah, there's a place called Spear Pillar up there!!" Clauss nodded and slowly took the pamphlet from Lucas.

"You need to focus on getting to your room. Then you can geek out about this stuff, okay?"

"Fine!" He took the pamphlet back and put it into his pocket. "But are you sure you don't wanna come with me?"

"Nah. Pokemon is your passion, bro. I'm more than fine being at home and rooting for you." He rubs his brother's back softly. "But be sure to call regularly. If I don't hear from you for a few days, I'm calling the cops. Understand?"

"Yeah yeah, no worries." Claus smiled before pulling his brother into a hug.

"Good luck. Even if I know you won't need luck." Lucas wrapped his arms around Claus. They stayed there for a moment. The idea of being by himself had yet to enter Lucas's mind. He'd spent his entire life with Claus. Even when he wasn't with his parents, IE school, he still had Claus right there by his side. But it was changing. Their lives were separating. Even if only temporarily. They broke the hug up. Claus kissed Lucas's cheek. "That's for Mom and Dad."

"I'll cherish it." Claus smirked before ruffling up Lucas's hair.

"See ya."

"See ya." Claus returned to the plane. He gave a final look toward Lucas before entering it. Lucas grabbed his two bags and looked down the small pier to see the town he landed in. It was Jubilife City. This was also where the school was located. He walked down the pier and looked around a little bit. There was supposed to be someone here to escort him over. And as he was looking around, he saw someone running toward him. It was a man with blond and messy hair. He slid to a stop right in front of Lucas.

"HI!!" he said with his ecstatic voice.

"Uhm...h-hi?" He extended his hand a little, showing off his smile.

"My name is Barry. I'll be your escort."

"Oh, well, my name is Lucas," Lucas responded as he took the hand of the man.

"No way? That's my best friend's name too!!"

"Heh, c-coincidence I guess," he said as he rubbed his neck a little. Barry cleared his throat before wrapping an arm around Lucas's back.

"Now let's go, Orientation is about to begin. We can't be late." The two of them walked off. Barry began talking about the different sights of Jubilife City. Jubilife was the big tourist attraction, outside of the mountain of course. It had loads of different shops and large buildings, it was astonishing. And a new building for tourists to stare at is the large school. This school was pretty far away from downtown Jubilife. It was mainly for easy access to the routes and forests that were nearby. The road even made way for a nice dirt path.

They walked down the path as buildings from the city quickly disappeared. But the school's property was in sight. It was a large, multi-story school surrounded by a large fence. The dirt path connected right to the gate. The two of them stopped at the gate. Barry brought out his staff card and tapped it against a little device on the fence. Once he did, the gate opened right up. "Here it is, Red's Pokemon Academy." Lucas was getting increasingly antsy as he saw the dirt path continue through the school's front yard and to the staircase that led up to the front door. "Well, go on ahead."

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