Chapter Forty-Two

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"I've decided. I'm not going back." He whispered against her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back. He smiled and deepened it. She came back to her senses and pulled away. "I can't do this. We can't do this." She said getting out of his grip. "Laur. Stop making this difficult." He said. She pushed him. "Difficult? Your ENGAGED!!" She yelled. "Look on the bright side. We're not fighting. We can give Katie what she wants."He said. "Are you stupid?" She asked. He bit his lip. "I'm just trying to get what should've been mine back." He said. "Why didn't you come for me?" She asked. "You dropped all contact with me." He told her. "I didn't know where to begin. Why didn't you call me as soon as you found out you were pregnant?" He asked. "Laura..." He called as she stared out into the distance.

"I can do this." She said looking at her phone. She dialed his number. But something her mind was stopping her from doing so. "He's a jerk. You are better than that." He mind told her. She nodded. Her mind was right. Why waste time on someone who cheated on her?! She could do something her life rather than moping around for something good to happen. She sighed and hung up. "You'll be mama's little girl." She said rubbing her 4-month old baby bump. She looked at the picture of them on the patio swing smiling at one another. "Why Ross? Why did you do it?" She whispered and stared off into the night.

"I felt the need to do this all alone". She whispered. "What?" He asked. "Nothing." She said and walked away. He took her wrist. "You love me. Say you love me and I promise..." He started. "No! No more promises you can't keep". She said. "Give.Me. A.Chance." He said kissing her in between words. "You love me?" She asked. He kissed her. She kissed back. He smiled and deepened it. She pulled him closer. He pulled away and trailed kisses down her neck picking her up. "Ross..." She said pushing him off lightly. He put her down. "Laur-" There came a knock at the door causing them to jump apart. "Ross Shor Lynch! Open this door NOW!!!" Kacey yelled on the other side of the door. They panicked.

She scrambled to fix the buttons on her blouse as he looked around at their setting. It looked fine so he slowly walk to the door. She sat at the couch pretending to watch t.v. He opened the door. She smiled. "Hi baby." She greeted. Laura rolled her eyes. She pecked his cheek. "Laura..." She said. She crossed her legs and looked at her. "Kacey..." She said. "It smells funny in here." She said sniffing the air. "Why is that?" She got up. "You didn't do anything together did you?" She asked looking at him. 'PLENTY' Laura thought. She laughed. He gave her a look. "Something funny?" She asked. "Nope. Not at all. But I'd look around if I were you." She said. "Beat it bitch." She said. "Kacey..." He said."What? There is something we need to discuss. Our plans." She eyed him. "See about that..." He started. She bit her lip. "There's also something exciting." She cheered. She rolled her eyes and started to walk away. "Laura." He called as he took her wrist. Kacey's face twisted. "What's going on?"
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