Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Mommy!!" She shook her. "Hm?" She said. "Where's daddy!?" She asked. "I don't know and shouldn't you be getting ready for school?" She asked. "I am. See?" She asked. She looked at her. "Who dressed you?" She asked. "I don't know. I woke and it was on my outfit stand. You like?" She said posing. "You look amazing." She said sitting up. "Why thank you." He said walking in. "I was talking to my daughter."She said. "I dressed her and its OUR daughter." He said. She rolled her eyes. "Well. Breakfast is ready." He said. She smiled and ran towards him. "Mommy wants oatmeal." She told him. "Why?" He asked. "She always did when she had me." She said. "Okay. I'll take note."He said taking her hand.

"So what do you plan on doing?" Rydel asked. "You know... Just play it all off." She said. "Laura. You can't do that." She said. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Well one thing is for real is that your feelings for Ross are definately returning." She squealed. She sarcastically laughed. "Yes. Yes they are." She rolled her eyes. She clapped her hands. "Yay!" She said. "Here me loud and clear. Laura is not into your brother." She said. "Awww why not?" She pouted. "Rydel. You know out of all people how bad things were." She said. "Yes. But that doesn't mean your feelings are bad too. I mean yes it was horrible but people change." She said. "Yes. And so do feelings. I love Brad." She said. "Oh yeah?  Where is Brad?" She asked. "I don't care where he is. I'm in love with him and I know he loves me too." She said. "If he loved you like you think he does, he would've over looked Raura living together. Trusted you that nothing will happen." She said. "Yes. He could've over looked all of that but here's the thing, I betrayed him. I told him about everything. I rather let him know the truth than lie to his face. I can't build a relationship that is full of lies." She said taking some water. "I understand but just think about it. I mean Kacey still doesn't know about you two." She said moving her hair out her face.

"No wonder she hasn't given me any looks. Or done anything. I'm a threat to her." She said. "Yeah.... That's why." She said turning away. "Dell... What you say?" She asked."Uh... What?" She asked. "Dude." She said. "First its dudette.It doesn't matter. She's gone for another week. You can make your move and Ross will come crawling back. You guys were a bit into it yesterday so." She winked. "Haha. Okay." She laughed. She smiled. "After you knock me out and drag around to my death." She said. She frowned. "Really?" She asked. "Yes." She said. "Your stubborn." She said. "Of course." She said dusting her shoulder. "See. Your perfect for one another!" She teased. "I'm nothing like him." She said. "Of course. " She mocked. "The plan." She said. "You'd have to drag me around first." She said. She put her hands on her temples. 'Raura troubles.'

"Ross and you must be?" He asked her. "Laura." She smiled. "Well Laura. Mind if I join you?" He asked. "Not at all." She smiled. "You new?" He asked. She nodded. "Well lucky you. Once you get used to this place, you'll hate it." He said taking her hand. She blushed. "Why is that?" She asked. "Well for one, see those guys over there?" He said pointing to the group of cheerleaders and hockey players. "Yeah?" She asked. "They'll always find a way to ruin things for everyone. And see the blonde over to the left?" He asked. She nodded. "Ignore her. She has a minor crush so every girl I talk to, she wants to crush." He chuckled. "That includes me?" She asked. "Yes." He said. She laughed. "Tell the bitch bring it." She said. He looked at her. She smiled. "What?" She asked. He blushed. "Its just....your....beautiful." He stuttered. She blushed. "T-thanks." She said turning away a bit. "You want to hang?" He asked. "Like on a date?" She asked nervously. "No. Just a hang out to get to know each other better." He said. She smiled. "Sure. I'd like that." She said. He blushed. "See you around?" He asked. She nodded. He kissed her hand and walked away. She went about her day smiling like a fool. 'He's so sweet.'
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