Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Let go of me!!" She said as she tried to push him off of her. "You will not take her away from me. Not again!" He said. She rolled them over. "Just let go of me!" She said. "No! Not until you agree!" He said pinning her on the ground. "No! Please let me go!" She shouted. "Noo." He said. He picked her up and brought her to her bedroom. "Let go of me please." She begged. He was done. "Your going to give me custody over Katie too." He said laying down with her. "No. I said no." She said. "Do I have to make this a court matter?" He asked. "Go ahead just know you will lose." She said. She tried to turn away from him. He held her more. "Not if I get Katie to choose to be with me." He said. This grabbed her mind by a long shot. "Come near my baby girl and see what happens. I already have to deal with your stupid girlfriend. Don't make me add you to the list." She said. "Fine. I'm done. I'm tired of fighting." He sighed. "Good. I'm done also. You can leave now." She said. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and went to sleep. She tried to move but he'd tighten his arms each time she moved. She gave up and  went to sleep in his arms.

"Come on Laura!" He called out to her. She chuckled. "No. Its a bit drafty." She smiled. "So do you want me to come in?" He asked. She laughed. "Sure. Come in." She said. He climbed up the tree to her balcony. She smiled. "Your crazy." She laughed. "Crazy for you. I'm crazy its true, crazy 4 you." He said as he brought the small brunette towards him. "You know…One day we will be alone...In our own house." He whispered. "So? What would you even do?" She asked. "I'd have fun…with you." He teased. She blushed and pushed him away. "Stop that. We have to get through school first." She smiled. "How did I get so lucky?" He teased. She rolled her eyes. "Were gonna graduate in 2 weeks. What do you mean?" She asked. "For you to be mine. We've been together for 3 years now. I know what our life would be like after we graduate. I'm working on my music with R5 and you'll be an amazing designer." He winked. She blushed. "How do you know?" She asked. "Because I see everything you draw. Your amazing." He told her. "Thanks." She smiled as she kissed his cheek. He smiled as he wrapped his around her waist. She wrapped hers around his neck. "Ross. Would you ever leave me?" She asked. "I wouldn't even dream of it." He smiled. "Do you see a future together?" She asked. "Yeah. You, me and a little girl named Katie." He smiled and winked. She smacked his chest as she turned a bit red. "Your already thinking about children?" She asked. "Yup. Were gonna get married and have 3 kids. Katie would be as smart as her mom, Daniel would be as strong as me, and the Tristen, she'll be as adorable as you and as athletic as me." He said. She smiled. "And you'll make all these children in that order?" She asked. "No. We'll make them." He winked. She kissed him. He kissed her back. She just couldn't keep the smile off her face. "That's our future. I promise to make it happen." He whispered.

"Where's Ross?" Kacey asked as everyone sat at the table for breakfast. "Auntie? Where's daddy?" She asked. She looked between the two. "Uh…Daddy went to buy you a dress for tomrrow's party. Kacey? He's out shopping." She lied. She went over earlier to check if they did any damage to the house but nope. She then checked on them and they were peacefully cuddling, sleeping in Laura's room. She smiled thinking back to the sight she saw. "Why didn't he wake me?" She asked faltering Rydel's smile. "Because he's going shopping for me." She answered. The guys just laughed. "What's so funny?" She asked. "Rocky got locked in his room again. Look." They said showing them the camera. He ran towards the door like it was going to bust open. "He does know it opens on the inside right?" Katie asked. "Kathy? He's about as dense as you are." She sneered at her. She fake laughed. "I know daddy is my actual dad you dummy. I'm 4 but I know a lot for that age. You should also know by now that daddy is not into you as much as he used to be. It's Katie. A future planned child! My parents love each other and I'm going to prove it!" She snapped. "With what?" She asked. "Easy. Their in couple's therapy right? They meet today at Noon. I'm going with daddy and that's all I will say. You missy are done. My mom is the number one girl in my dad's life next to me. Supermodel Kacey Miller just has been dumped!" She shouted then stomped off. The others looked at her. "Burn!" Rocky shouted before fainting. "Rocky!?" She ran over to him. "Is breakfast ready yet?" He asked all dizzy. She smiled at her brother. Kacey stomped off in the other direction. Everyone laughed as soon as she was out of sight.

"Hm?" He wondered as he woke up. He looked around. "Where am I?" He asked getting off the bed and stretching. He noticed a picture on the wall. He walked over to it. It was the day Katie was born. He smiled at the bright smile on Laura's face while holding the little girl. He frowned knowing he wasn't there for her. Then there was another picture. Katie's first birthday. She had dirty blonde hair like does. Her second birthday with cake smushed all over their faces. The smile still on her face. He moved on and came to her third birthday. Brad kissing Laura's cheek and Katie smiling and pointing at them. She had frosting smeared on her cheeks. He smiled looking at his little girl grow. But something that bothered him was how Laura managed to keep that beautiful smile of hers on her face after he put her through that. Now he clearly understood why she hated him so much. Because if he was her, he'd hate himself too. She really was a strong independent woman. He walked out of the room and took a shower.

He walked over to the kitchen where she was preparing breakfast. She didn't look up at him. She placed a plate of pancakes on the table. Reached in the fridge and got some juice. She poured a glass. She gave him a look. He didn't say anything. She placed the plate on his side. She poured syrup on it and light butter. She then placed a fork and set the glass next to it. "Breakfast". She said. He was weirded out. She placed another set and turned off the stove. She then sat down. He sat next to her. He felt uneasy. "Relax. We need food. Rydel dropped that bag off for when you go home. She said something about dress shopping for Katie." She said looking at her food. She took at bite. He followed after. "Still have your cooking skills." He said. "I poisoned yours." She said. His eyes widened. "What?" He asked. "I'm kidding." She laughed. He pushed her shoulder. "Maybe…" She said. He chuckled. She continued to eat. He looked at her. She looked him. "I'm sorry". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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