Chapter Eight

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The show aired. Woman all dressed in all her clothing for this season. To top it off, she gets to present the award of the night. 'Video Of The Year'  She smiled as she looked at Katie. "Mom is there anything else you want?" She asked. "No. I have everything I need." She smiled hugging her. "Mom I want to know what happened between you and dad." She said. "I'll you what?" She said."What?" She asked. "After the show, we have an interview and I want you to be there with me." She told her. "Really!?" She smiled widely. "Yes." She said. "Then after you'll tell me?" She asked. She nodded. 'Smart. Really smart for a 4 year-old.' Laura thought. "Laura! Laura! Quick word!?" The press asked. She nodded and walk over holding Katie's hand. "Yes?" She asked. "We would like to know what's new with you?" A reporter asked. "Well I'm pretty much just starting to sketch the new designs and hopefully by the end of the month get it all in stores." She said winking. "Wow that's good to hear. Do you wanna tell us how you found this true talent of yours?" Another asked. "Well you see…I always had it. I loved drawing and one day it just happened. I wanted to make a name for myself and fashion was just calling my name." She said. "Ah…Aww who's this little cutie?" One asked. "Oh. She's my beautiful daughter." She said. Katie blushed. "Woah. Back the truck up. She's your daughter?" They asked. "Yes she is." She smiled looking at the little blushing girl hiding behind her. Katie gets shy around new people. They gushed over her. "Welcome to the public." They say taking blinding photos of her. "Mommy?" She asked hiding completely. "Well that's enough pictures. Who is her father?" They asked. "We all want to know." They said. Just then security came over. "Ms.Marano." They said. She nodded and walked over with her daughter.

"She'll be here in a second." Rydel said. "So what?" Ross asked. "Why are you so moody?" She asked looking at him. "I'm not moody. I'm just sick about all this talk about Laura." He said frustrated. "Katie is adorable don't you think. And she's Laura's daughter. She moved on too." She said. "I'm glad. Can we end this conversation?" He asked irritated. "As soon as you hear the best part." Rydel squealed. "What may it be?" He asked clearly not interested. "She will be moving back to L.A next month and guess where!?" She cleared. "Oh please tell me?" He rolled his eyes. "Right next door. Her, Brad and Katie. I'm gonna talk and play with that little girl until I can't anymore. She's an angel." She smiled. He'll admit that last part but why does he care? "Good." He said sitting in a chair and drinking some water. Just then Laura and Katie walked in. "Welcome guys." She said. Laura wasn't too fond of the idea. "Katie and I are going to get some ice cream. See ya." She said quickly taking the little girl and running away. She came back then. "Either of you leave and I'll break your hands and feet." She threatened then left. "Is our plan working?" Katie asked. "Don't know. Lets go get that ice cream." Rydel said and they went to the buffet.

"Soo…" He tries to start a conversation. She just looks at him. He does the same thing. She walks over to the mirror. She starts adjusting her top. She fixes her light curls and then looks back at him. His eyes wandered over her body. He bit his lip. She crossed her arms over her slightly exposed chest. "Uhum!" She coughed getting him to focus on her face. "Why am I here? With you?" She asked annoyed. "I didn't even want to be here." He said. "Then why are you!?" She asked. "Rydel made me come!" He said. She laughed. "Of course. Everyone always make you do something. Especially something dumb right?!" She asked. "No! I'm my own person!" He argued back. "If you are then you wouldn't be here!" She snapped. "Whatever. I'm not gonna argue over something as stupid as that." He said sitting back down. "Oh sure give up. Like you always do." She spit. This took him by surprise. He was never a quiter. "I'm not a quiter." He defended. "Of course your not. Your also denial." She fired. "Okay why are you so cold towards me?" He asked. "As if you care." She said. "Your right. I don't care." He said. "Of course." She said. This was making him mad."Who's Katie's father?" He asked. "None of your business." She snapped. "It is my business. She's so kind and your all rude and arrogant. It has me wondering. Who is this little angel's dad because her traits are nothing of the mom." He spit at her. "Trust me when I say this also but their nothing like her father either. So I'm wondering also." She said. "Wow okay. I heard his last name was Lynch." He said. "Yes it is." She said. "Why did you guys breakup?" He asked. "You know. NunYa." She said. "Nunya?" He asked."Yeah. As in, nunya god damn business." She said. He grumbled. "I'm tired of your smart comments." He said. "I'm surprise you know the difference." She smirked slightly then went back to a straight face. "Stop." He said now getting mad. "Stop what?" She asked.

"Your being a bitch." He said. "And your an asshole. So please enlighten me." She said. He clenched his jaw. She sat on the couch and crossed her legs. She looked at him. "You seem upset. Talk to me." She said. "Why are you being this way?" He asked. "What?" She asked. "Cold." He said. "Cold? I'm not being cold. I'm just telling the truth." She said truthfully. "I can't stand your attitude." He said. "I can't stand you." She said. He got up. She did also. "That's it! I've had it!" He said pointing at her. "How many times since you've been with me!?" She laughed. "Your a bitch." He said. "And your an ass. But I don't call out on it." She said. He was fuming. So was she but she was a bit calmer than he was. "I wish you and I never happened."  He said. This brought a sting to both of them but it weighed more on him then it did on her. She was the best thing happened to him. "I hate you. You make me sick." She told him. "I hate you too. I hope you fall off a cliff." He said. "I hope you get run over by a train. If that doesn't kill you,I'll kill you myself." She said. They just stood there glaring at one another. Face to face either one not backing down. "Your a slut. You had someone right after you had me." He spit. "Your a whore. You had someone while you had me!" She spit at him. They were both on the verge of crying but neither said so. "You never cared about me." She said now with her voice softening. "Yes I did. You were too dumb to see that." He snapped. "Your stupid as hell. We were together for four years and you decided to find soneone else. Was I not good enough for you?" She asked him."It was a mistake!!" He shouted making her jump at bit. That's where the tears they have been holding back started to pour. "A mistake that cost you everything." She said. He was then confused. "Everything? I only lost you and that's it." He said wiping off his tears. She bit her lip trying to stop herself from saying more. He wanted to hold her but he couldn't. She wanted to kick him and scream at him but she couldn't. "No. You let me do it all alone! How could you do that to me!? "She asked now pounding on his chest. He held her fist stopping her. "Cheat!" She kicked him in no zo.He grunted and dropped to his knees. "Liar!" She slapped him. He just took it. "I hate you."  She cried dropping to her knees also. He was crying also. "How could you leave me?" He asked.

"You expect me to stay somewhere where I'm no longer needed and loved!?" She shouted. "You left me telling you I love you. I was going to propose!!" He said flinging everything off the table. She moved away as he got up. "You never loved me did you!?!" He shouted as he backed up into a wall. She was now terrified. He ran his fingers through his hair. She knew this meant war. "I did! 4 years Ross! 4 years!! Then on our anniversary you were sucking faces with your  current girlfriend!" She shouted in his face. He wiped off some more tears as she did also. "Don't cry." He said wiping some off her face. This brought her back to 5 years before. "Don't touch me!" She said pulling away. Then he punched the wall next to her and she screamed. She sat down then. The door opened then. "Woah! What happened in here!?" Rydel asked looking at the half destroyed room. Katie walked over and seen her mom crying. "Mommy!!" She ran over and comforted her.
Psh………Woah. Happy Birthday Ross Lynch!!! Comment and Vote!!!!

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