Chapter Sixteen

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"Okay! What happened!?" Stormie asked as she seen her son asleep in the front yard. "Rocky! Wake up honey." She shook him. "Hm?" He groaned as he woke up. "What happened? Did you sleep here all night!? There were drinks weren't there!?" She bombarded him with questions.He got off the grass. "I'm tired mommy. It was a really fun party." He said and hugged her. "Oh! You smell terrible. Who had the alcohol!?" She asked now fuming. "I'm gonna take a shower then get some more sleep." He said pointing to the tree. His vision was still alittle loopy. She sighed and made her way inside to see what she thought to be her destroyed home. But for some odd reason, everything was clean and not a speck of dust out of place. She sighed of relief. Since she was tired from working all night she was tired. She crashed on her couch.

She woke up and rubbed her eyes. She seen someone go past her eyes. She looked and seen sleeping bodies. She slowly got up and walked over to them. Right there and then she saw what she should've seen years ago. They were cuddling. Katie was wrapped in his arms peacefully sleeping. She smiled. They both crinkle their nose as they sunk in a breath. She laughed silently. Then it occured to her. What was she doing in here? She looked at the surrounding. His room. She slowly got out of the room. "Ugh…" She groaned. She walked into the bathroom and got some aspirin and washed her face.

"Morning Laura!" Rydel screamed making her jump. "Woah!" She said holding her hand over her heart. "Sorry." She laughed. "What happened?" She asked her. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I remember last talking to Riker." She said. "Oh. You drowned your sorrows in alcohol." She told her. "Oh." She said. "Yeah." She told her. "Look I need to ask. What happened between you and that guy yesterday? I mean poor Katie couldn't see her mom yesterday." She said. "Oh. I got physical with your brother." She said looking down a bit. "Did he hurt you?" She asked. "Yes and no." She said. "What does that mean?" She asked. She sighed. "I left a few marks and he left a few also." She said biting her lip. She flinched a bit. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Uh…yeah." She smiled awkwardly. She tilted her head. "When she wakes, bring her over." She said turning around to leave. "No. You can't run away. Not this time." She said. "Rydel. Please. I'll explain everything later." She told her. "You promise?" She asked. She sighed. "Yes. She has grown attached to him anyway its not like she'll stay home the whole day." She pointed out. She laughed. "Right. See you soon." She said and ran out.

"Hm?" He woke up. "Come on Ross!! It's already lunch time! Wake up!" She shook him. He got up. "Alright. I'm up. What you need?" He asked her. "To eat lunch. Mommy said I can hang with you all day. All of you are taking turns. Yesterday was auntie. Today is you. Tomrrow is uncle Rocky. Then next weekend its uncle Riker and Ryland. Friday I'm having movie night with grandma". She tells him. "You think that my mom is your grandma?" He asked. "Yeah." She smiled. "Can I ask you something?" He asked. "Anything". She smiled. "Did you by any chance know if mommy was pregnant or not?" He asked. "What is that? I'm 4 not 8." She laughed. He laughed with her. "You know. When a baby is inside mommy?" He asked. She laughed. "How does it get inside mommy?" She asked tilting her head in confusion. "Uh…Nevermind. So lunch?"He smiled. She nodded and moved so he could get out of bed. "Meet you downstairs." He kissed her cheek. She smiled and nodded.

"What!?" Rydel asked. "Yes. It's true. I can't. Brad will be so pissed. Everything then will be ruined. We're suppose to get back together right after this tour is over next week." She tells her. "Now you kinda can't. Plus Kacey is coming later today. No matter how hard you try to hide it, the truth will come out sooner or later". She told her. "I know Delly. I just didn't expect it. I mean I didn't feel anything. Then things took a turn after our little fight. We start punching and kicking each other but at the same time we were kinda attracted to one another." She told her truthfully. "Ew. I don't even wanna know." She laughed. "Delly." She said pushing her shoulder. "Sorry." She said trying to contain herself. "There's something I else I should let you know. But please don't tell anyone. 3 of us know. Well only 2 of us. I don't know how that witch knows." She rolled her eyes. "Oh. Okay." She said taking a drink of water. "Ross…He's…Katie's dad." She said nervously. She spit her water out. "What!?" She shouted.
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