Chapter Fifty-Six

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"What!? So this is what you've been hiding from me for sometime now huh!?" He asked upset. "Look I'm sorry but I already decided this and there's no way I'm going back." She said. "How could you do this to me!?" He yelled at her. "I'm sorry! Okay. It wasn't anything I expected. It was never that serious anyway!" She yelled back. "NOT THAT SERIOUS!? Not only do you not trust me but you also don't want to have my baby!" He said. "Woah okay! First of all I never said any of those things! Don't put words in my mouth!" She said. He got up. "Where are you going!?" She asked. "Oh you know. Taking all of this in. But don't worry. Your okay. Your not sick but I am. How could you turn to Bradley and decide on doing that with him when you know he's not the one making one drop in nine months!?" He asked. "Look you were with Kacey and I was with him at the time. I-" He cut her off. "No its okay. We've got together last night and now you can go be his baby mama." He said coldly. "Ross please. You said you wouldn't get upset." She said. "But that was before I found out you killed my baby! You found out 2 weeks ago it was mine! How could you be so heartless!?" He asked. "I didn't mean for it to be that way! Okay! I'm sorry!" She said. "No. Its okay." He walked out. She knew it wasn't. She sighed and held her stomach.

"Hey." Rydel said. "Where's the bag?" She asked. "I tossed it." She said. "Rydel. Have you seen him?" She asked. "No. Why?" She asked. "Because he walked out last night after he told me to go be Bradley's baby mama." She said. "Wait. You told him about your sickness too right?" She asked. She shook her head. "No. I'm not going to. I already upset him enough so I'm gonna let him be for now." She said. "Laur. You can't do that." She said. "Del. I killed his child. He'll never forgive me. We just got together and you leave in exactly 8 hours and neither of us seen him!" She said. "Then let's go find him." She said. "How if his phone is at home and he could be anywhere." She said. "I know where he might just be." She said. "I can't go. He doesn't wanna see me." She said. "Your Raura. Your married. Even without it even being official." She smiled. "I don't think so." She said sadly. "I'll make him listen to you. I promise." She told her. She frowned even more. 'I'm so sorry Ross.'

"Where the hell is he!?" Rydel shouted frustrated. "Mommy? Why is auntie so upset?" Katie asked. "I'm not upset. It's just that I can't find daddy. He disappeared. He's gone." She said. "G-gone?" Her voice softened and her tears welled up. "Dad d--died?" She asked. Her eyes widened. "No! No sweetie! He just left and he isn't coming back!" She said. She started to cry. Rydel pulled her and slapped herself. "But... But... he promised to never leave me." She cried hugging her mother. "Rydel!" Laura said. "I'm sorry! " She apologised. "Mama look at me. Daddy is alive! He's just mad at mommy for doing something stupid. He didn't leave and he loves you." She told the little girl. She just hugged her. "Will he come back?" She asked. Rydel jumped in. "Of course. He better! We leave in 3 hours!" She said. Laura raised an eyebrow. "What!?" She asked. She chuckled and hugged the little girl trying to calm her.

"Dude. There's no way I'm gonna let him do that." Riker said. "Riker. If you haven't noticed, he's been gone since last night and there's not a single place we haven't searched." Rocky said. "That's great. Why didn't she tell him this sooner!" He asked throwing his hands in the air. "Because she probably knew this would happening?" He asked. "But did she have to tell him the night before we leave?" He asked frustrated. "I mean you would be pretty pissed if your girlfriend decided something like that with her ex." He said. "Wait. How did you know about that?" He asked. "Laura told us all what happened. I can only imagine how Ross feels right now because I would probably go after Bradley for getting her to think like that anyway." Rocky said slapping his cheeks. "Wait. Rocky! You just said something relevant to the situation! I think I know where he might be!" Riker said running out the room.  "Yes! My skills are getting better! Just a little more and I'm sure to get them all wondering!" He smiled to himself. Riker came back in. "Rocky? You coming?" He asked. He looked at him blankly. "Huh? Coming where?" He asked. He walked over and took hold of his ear. "Ow! Ow!" He said standing up. "Okay! Lets go get him." He said. "Do you even know where Bradley is?" He asked. They looked at each other. "Laura!!!" They called her and ran towards her.
Secrets revealed;) I'm a horrible person:( I might finish the book next chapter or at 60. So you choose how you want this book to end because I have a feeling you'll hate me after I give you my ending. Comment and Vote!!!

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